
As soon as Long Yang appeared on the Spring Festival evening, I heard someone next to me say: "Why is she hosting, I don't like this face, I feel that people have heart eyes" When my gaze moved back to her, I understood

author:Jade-faced little white dragon dragon

As soon as Long Yang appeared on the Spring Festival evening, I heard someone around me say: "Why is she hosting, I don't like this face at first glance, I feel that people have heart eyes"

When my gaze moved back to her, I understood why she was not popular with the passers-by and the audience, not that she was not good-looking, but that the shrewd aura on her body made her lack a sense of cord and grounding.

I don't know if any friends have watched her TV series, the first impression she appeared on is not very good, to put it bluntly, when I see her, I am directly positioned as a female villain, and she is a villain with ambition and a city.

Frankly speaking, the female host of this Spring Festival Gala is different from the previous dignified atmosphere, as if they are all Internet celebrities, and they do not give people the kind of auspicious face of Guotai and Minan, all living beings.

When I watched Zhou Tao talk on stage, I always felt very calm in my heart, Dong Qing's poetry and book style also made her unique, and even Li Sisi felt stable when she stood on stage.

To be honest, up to now, how many netizens still remember who they are, in this kind of big stage, can show their own scenes, there is no own characteristics, no recognition, even if the host is not wrong, then the audience can't remember ah...

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted #Record my 2023# #娱兔迎春 from today #

As soon as Long Yang appeared on the Spring Festival evening, I heard someone next to me say: "Why is she hosting, I don't like this face, I feel that people have heart eyes" When my gaze moved back to her, I understood
As soon as Long Yang appeared on the Spring Festival evening, I heard someone next to me say: "Why is she hosting, I don't like this face, I feel that people have heart eyes" When my gaze moved back to her, I understood
As soon as Long Yang appeared on the Spring Festival evening, I heard someone next to me say: "Why is she hosting, I don't like this face, I feel that people have heart eyes" When my gaze moved back to her, I understood
As soon as Long Yang appeared on the Spring Festival evening, I heard someone next to me say: "Why is she hosting, I don't like this face, I feel that people have heart eyes" When my gaze moved back to her, I understood

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