
#Victory in the war against the epidemic#Professor Li Jian'an, who has been engaged in rehabilitation medicine for 50 years, strongly recommends that the public should take a more proactive approach to restore their health, and the role of active health is far from passive

author:Brother Bozi

#Victory in the war against the epidemic# Professor Li Jian'an, who has been engaged in rehabilitation medicine for 50 years, strongly recommends that the public should take a more proactive approach to restore their health, and the role of active health is far from passive bed rest and treatment. He famously said, "The side effects of lying in bed for a day are equivalent to a year of degeneration and aging of the body". Many symptoms of the long new crown are very similar to the harm of long-term bed rest, if a person is allowed to lie in bed and do nothing, weakness, decreased thinking ability, and general pain will still occur. Exercise here refers to exercise rehabilitation, and nutrition is not only supplemental consumption, and it has been found that a healthy and reasonable diet structure has an important role in adjusting the intestinal flora, and the role of intestinal flora has become a hot spot in recent years, and the intestinal flora has a very wide range of effects, such as regulating immune function, while exercise itself also has the role of regulating intestinal flora.

——Brother Bozi on sports and rehabilitation 20230126 #Good doctors escort health #

#Victory in the war against the epidemic#Professor Li Jian'an, who has been engaged in rehabilitation medicine for 50 years, strongly recommends that the public should take a more proactive approach to restore their health, and the role of active health is far from passive
#Victory in the war against the epidemic#Professor Li Jian'an, who has been engaged in rehabilitation medicine for 50 years, strongly recommends that the public should take a more proactive approach to restore their health, and the role of active health is far from passive
#Victory in the war against the epidemic#Professor Li Jian'an, who has been engaged in rehabilitation medicine for 50 years, strongly recommends that the public should take a more proactive approach to restore their health, and the role of active health is far from passive

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