
#Headline Creation Challenge#Look at the origin of the national name of the Ming Dynasty and appreciate Zhu Yuanzhang's wisdom, which makes people have to convince Ming Yue's pen "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" to let the Ming Dynasty out of the circle again, and then immediately followed

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Looking at the origin of the national name of the Ming Dynasty and appreciating Zhu Yuanzhang's wisdom make people have to be convinced

At that time, Mingyue's pen "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" once again made the Ming Dynasty out of the circle, and later followed by "Daming Fenghua" that made people even more fascinated by the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Chongba, the cattle herding baby back then, estimated that he would never have thought that he would become the Ninth Fifth Supreme, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who later joined the Red Turban Army, probably did not expect that he would become the chosen one who overthrew the Yuan Court at first.

After Zhu Yuanzhang wiped out the heroes, he proclaimed himself emperor in Jinling and named the country Daming.

Before the Han, Tang and Song dynasties, the national names were all single characters, while the national names of the Ming Dynasty were double-characters.

There may be several reasons for choosing Daming as the national name:

One of them:

Daming Chengming Sect and Xiaoming King as the sect.

Mo Daoshi people have one eye, provoking the Yellow River to rebel. Han Shantong called himself King Ming, propagating the anti-Yuan idea of "Maitreya was born, King Ming was born", after Han Shantong's death, his son Han Lin'er called King Xiaoming became the leader of the Northern Red Turban Army, and the rebel army everywhere was co-mastered by King Xiaoming, and the Guo Zixing team that Zhu Yuanzhang turned to was also led by King Xiaoming.

Later, there were still many people who believed in Ming religion in the army where Zhu Yuanzhang took the world, and Zhu Yuanzhang's use of the Daming as the national title also catered to and united the majority of people.


Southern Huoye, its emperor Yandi, and its Zuo Zhuming, ruled Xia by balance.

In the Five Elements theory, the north is water virtue, the south is fire virtue, the Mongols are water virtue to take the world, and Zhu Yuanzhang originated in the south, with simile fire, just restrained the water in the north, and Zhu Yuanzhang's surname plus the country number is exactly "Zhu Ming", which also happens to correspond to the legendary Zhu Ming.


The words Ming Nai Sun and the Moon are combined, and the sun and the moon are separated, and together they represent light, which can also resonate with people who do not believe in Mingjiao.


The word Daming is a reference to the Great Amida Sutra, and the Buddha says: Its light shines, and the countless worlds and the underworld are always bright. Therefore, quoting Daming is a bit of a way to determine the meaning of Tiandao.


From the "I Ching", in which the trigram is said: the sun and the moon are beautiful in the sky, the hundred grains and trees are beautiful in the soil, and the light is beautiful and righteous, and it is transformed into the world. The sun and the moon are heavy, and it is for Daming.


Undertake Dayuan.

Before the Yuan Dynasty, most of the national titles were based on titles or fiefs, and the Mongols, as nomads from the north, had no titles and no fiefs, and Kublai Khan could only find inspiration from the "I Ching" at the head of the thirteen classics, and finally took the word Dayuan in "Da Zai Qianyuan" as the national name.

And Zhu Yuanzhang admitted that he inherited the Great Yuan, so taking the national name would naturally imitate the previous dynasty.

Because he called the title of Zhu Yuanzhang before the emperor was King Wu, but he did not take Wu as the national name, but chose the same double-character national name as Dayuan.

In the I Ching, the trigrams are: Great Qianyuan, the beginning of ten thousand materials. Clouds travel and rain, quality logistics line. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the six Shicheng were called the Six Dragons to protect the sky. Since it is the inheritance of the previous dynasty, it is also logical to take the Daming after the Great Yuan.

Zhu Yuanzhang's Daming shouted catchy, sounded loud, and thought about it endlessly.

Daming, this country name is really good.

#Headline Creation Challenge#Look at the origin of the national name of the Ming Dynasty and appreciate Zhu Yuanzhang's wisdom, which makes people have to convince Ming Yue's pen "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" to let the Ming Dynasty out of the circle again, and then immediately followed
#Headline Creation Challenge#Look at the origin of the national name of the Ming Dynasty and appreciate Zhu Yuanzhang's wisdom, which makes people have to convince Ming Yue's pen "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" to let the Ming Dynasty out of the circle again, and then immediately followed
#Headline Creation Challenge#Look at the origin of the national name of the Ming Dynasty and appreciate Zhu Yuanzhang's wisdom, which makes people have to convince Ming Yue's pen "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" to let the Ming Dynasty out of the circle again, and then immediately followed

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