
#Gao Ran Film and Television Season# Today, Manjianghong's plagiarism of the Longmen Dart Bureau made a lot of noise, and Zhang Yimou himself even said that the lawyer's letter warned, objectively speaking, how can this be considered plagiarism, at most it is Ning

author:Ginkaze Society

#Gao Burning Film and Television Season# Today, Man Jianghong plagiarized the Longmen Dart Bureau to make a fuss, Zhang Yimou himself even said that the lawyer's letter warned, objectively speaking, how can this be considered plagiarism, at most Ning Caishen provides an idea, Zhang Yimou expanded this idea into a movie, the specific story plot is Zhang Yimou's own original, if this is considered plagiarism, Jin Yong watched the Count of Monte Cristo write the Legend of the City, Toriyama Ming watched the Journey to the West and drew the Dragon Ball...

#Gao Ran Film and Television Season# Today, Manjianghong's plagiarism of the Longmen Dart Bureau made a lot of noise, and Zhang Yimou himself even said that the lawyer's letter warned, objectively speaking, how can this be considered plagiarism, at most it is Ning
#Gao Ran Film and Television Season# Today, Manjianghong's plagiarism of the Longmen Dart Bureau made a lot of noise, and Zhang Yimou himself even said that the lawyer's letter warned, objectively speaking, how can this be considered plagiarism, at most it is Ning
#Gao Ran Film and Television Season# Today, Manjianghong's plagiarism of the Longmen Dart Bureau made a lot of noise, and Zhang Yimou himself even said that the lawyer's letter warned, objectively speaking, how can this be considered plagiarism, at most it is Ning

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