
Edwin M. A. Albert. For more than a hundred years in the West a edition was reprinted, knowing nothing of me, only because it appeared in the place of a new shelf in the library to borrow it back. 😇

author:Rejoice little notes

Edwin M. A. Albert. For more than a hundred years in the West a edition was reprinted, knowing nothing of me, only because it appeared in the place of a new shelf in the library to borrow it back.

😇 The inhabitants of the flat country are all flat figures: merchants, middle class are equilateral triangles; The soldier, the lowest laborer, is an isosceles triangle; The professional, gentleman class is square or pentagon; The aristocratic class is hexagonal; The higher the rank, the greater the number of sides until it is round; Women, on the other hand, have sharp needles at both ends and will be invisible as they please, and they are required by law to keep their eyes and mouth directed towards their husbands and their friends, causing harm if they turn their backs on them.

The author imagines himself as a cube class, because he knows the sphere of the three-dimensional world, sees different customs and social outlooks, and wants to spread the gospel of the new dimension in the plane country, although the best way to preach the truth is to act, but he cannot prove the feasibility of "upward, not north" in the two-dimensional world. In the end, he was imprisoned and everyone betrayed.

Dimensions unconsciously imprison the individual's perspective on the world and himself, perhaps the farther away the horizon is.

Smug is a foolish evil, and being aggressive is better than blind pleasure.

(It took two days to read a book of more than a hundred pages, and I could hypnotize and sleep for twenty minutes in half an hour, and I wanted to give up but was reluctant...) It's not that the writing is not wonderful, but I am a complete geometric, sci-fi idiot, and I can quickly fall asleep at the mention of three-dimensional, four-dimensional, multi-dimensional ... )

#Love for China Year# #Reading# #阅读的温度 #

Edwin M. A. Albert. For more than a hundred years in the West a edition was reprinted, knowing nothing of me, only because it appeared in the place of a new shelf in the library to borrow it back. 😇
Edwin M. A. Albert. For more than a hundred years in the West a edition was reprinted, knowing nothing of me, only because it appeared in the place of a new shelf in the library to borrow it back. 😇
Edwin M. A. Albert. For more than a hundred years in the West a edition was reprinted, knowing nothing of me, only because it appeared in the place of a new shelf in the library to borrow it back. 😇

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