
A must-have hard dish during the Chinese New Year, black tiger prawns baked with cheese! Gagaa The method is super simple, what will you eat today if you have hands? If you're confused about eating every day, follow me! Share daily

author:Love to eat magic pills her daddy

A must-have hard dish during the Chinese New Year, black tiger prawns baked with cheese! Gagaa It's super simple, and you can do it with your hands

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Today's sharing: black tiger shrimp baked with cheese

A must-have hard dish during the Chinese New Year, black tiger prawns baked with cheese! Gagaa It's super easy, and you can do it with your hands!

【Ingredients】: Black tiger prawn, grated mozzarella cheese


1. Wash and dry the black tiger prawn, open the back to remove the shrimp line, cut it in half and set aside

2: Put 2 spoons of cooking wine, 1 teaspoon of salt and a little black pepper in a bowl, stir well, spread on the surface of the shrimp, and marinate for about 1 hour

3: Put 1 egg yolk, 1 spoonful of salad dressing and a little sugar in a bowl, stir well, put a small piece of butter on the shrimp meat, spread the well-stirred egg yolk liquid on the surface of the shrimp meat, and finally sprinkle 1 layer and crush the cheese

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for about 10 minutes, add black tiger prawns and bake for about 30 minutes, and finally sprinkle a little chopped parsley

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#天南地北大拜年 #

A must-have hard dish during the Chinese New Year, black tiger prawns baked with cheese! Gagaa The method is super simple, what will you eat today if you have hands? If you're confused about eating every day, follow me! Share daily
A must-have hard dish during the Chinese New Year, black tiger prawns baked with cheese! Gagaa The method is super simple, what will you eat today if you have hands? If you're confused about eating every day, follow me! Share daily
A must-have hard dish during the Chinese New Year, black tiger prawns baked with cheese! Gagaa The method is super simple, what will you eat today if you have hands? If you're confused about eating every day, follow me! Share daily
A must-have hard dish during the Chinese New Year, black tiger prawns baked with cheese! Gagaa The method is super simple, what will you eat today if you have hands? If you're confused about eating every day, follow me! Share daily

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