
#在农村生活, what is your happiest life # In the morning the sun rises from the distant hillside, shining on the ☀ body, warm feeling. Step out of the yard, through the emerald bamboo forest, and listen


#在农村生活, what is your happiest life#

In the morning, the sun rises from the ☀ distant hillside and shines on the body, feeling warm. Walk out of the yard, through the emerald bamboo forest, listen to the sound of the wind blowing the bamboo forest, walk to the river, watch the small fish under the water, wisps of pink with the flowing water under the willow roots passing around, grab a handful of green water spinach from the river, and bring out small shrimp one by one. Butterflies 🦋 fly slowly around on the red and purple flowers 🌸 at the water's edge, not afraid of people at all. The cows leisurely nibbled on the grass on the grass of the river beach, and the sound of the bell 🔔 "Tintin Dangdang" on the neck spread far away.

Walk up the hillside and see persimmons hanging on the branches, red and like small lanterns, they are very dazzling in the mountains. In the grass on the hillside, in the thorn nest of wild dates, crickets 🦗, grasshoppers "squeak" and squeak, as people's footsteps approach, suddenly silent, so that you can not find a trace.

In the evening, the sun shines on the top of the western slope, and the village below the hillside in the distance rises with cooking smoke, as if smelling the aroma of firewood and grass, it is time to return home. Ambiguous distant village, nestled in the smoke in the ruins, dogs barking in deep alleys, chickens singing mulberry trees.

The mountain village slowly quieted down, and the life of the rural day ended leisurely in an unhurried rhythm

#在农村生活, what is your happiest life # In the morning the sun rises from the distant hillside, shining on the ☀ body, warm feeling. Step out of the yard, through the emerald bamboo forest, and listen
#在农村生活, what is your happiest life # In the morning the sun rises from the distant hillside, shining on the ☀ body, warm feeling. Step out of the yard, through the emerald bamboo forest, and listen
#在农村生活, what is your happiest life # In the morning the sun rises from the distant hillside, shining on the ☀ body, warm feeling. Step out of the yard, through the emerald bamboo forest, and listen

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