
Cold abdominal pain - warm spleen pain relief prescription: angelica, danshen, frankincense, myrrh, rhubarb, aconite, dried ginger, glauconite, licorice. This formula is composed of warm spleen soup with frankincense, myrrh and danshen

author:Wu Shengxiong, a family of traditional Chinese medicine

Cold abdominal pain - warm spleen pain relief

Prescription: angelica, danshen, frankincense, myrrh, rhubarb, aconite, dried ginger, glauconite, licorice.

This formula is composed of warm spleen soup with frankincense, myrrh and danshen, which belongs to the combination of cold and heat to eliminate cold accumulation. Nitro yellow removes its accumulation, ginger attaches its cold, ginseng, grass, angelica preserves qi and blood, milk, no, danshen activates blood stasis, and relieves pain.

It has a good effect of dissipating cold, dissipating accumulation and relieving pain in warmth.

Cold abdominal pain - warm spleen pain relief prescription: angelica, danshen, frankincense, myrrh, rhubarb, aconite, dried ginger, glauconite, licorice. This formula is composed of warm spleen soup with frankincense, myrrh and danshen
Cold abdominal pain - warm spleen pain relief prescription: angelica, danshen, frankincense, myrrh, rhubarb, aconite, dried ginger, glauconite, licorice. This formula is composed of warm spleen soup with frankincense, myrrh and danshen
Cold abdominal pain - warm spleen pain relief prescription: angelica, danshen, frankincense, myrrh, rhubarb, aconite, dried ginger, glauconite, licorice. This formula is composed of warm spleen soup with frankincense, myrrh and danshen

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