
There is a girl who is very unlucky, just joined the work and met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems everywhere, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is

author:Only micro jjj

There is a girl with very bad luck, just joined the work met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is to make her difficult, let her not be convinced, hidden grievances, she decided, to find a way to deal with her boss.

She was smart and did not choose to confront her boss directly, because her strength did not allow it; But she didn't bend either, and her personality didn't allow her to do that. So she chose the third way, fundamentally changing her boss's perception of her and reinventing herself.

Her choice is simple, she chooses to become the same person as her boss, but the effect is surprisingly good! Because her choice made her boss fall in love with her, she was not only better, but also had a boyfriend who was just as good and possibly better.

Cheng Xiao is indeed smart, provided that she is good enough. Gu Nanting is the same. He was strict with Cheng Xiao, not that he deliberately made it difficult for her, but for her good. Cheng Xiao finally understood his good intentions later, so he began to change and identify with Gu Nanting from the bottom of his heart, and then fell in love with him.

The two of them are two big trees that stand equally upright, and you are not attached to me, and I am not attached to you. Both of them, choosing to make themselves big trees and stand side by side in the world, just shows that the two of them are the same kind of people, with the same concept: they can walk alone in the forest, or they can walk side by side.

Not everyone in the world wants their spouse to be as good as themselves, and it is the luck of the two of them to meet the other party who has the same three views and is equally excellent.

I hope this luck is passed on to everyone, Happy New Year and auspicious Year of the Rabbit!

#电视剧向风而行征文 #

There is a girl who is very unlucky, just joined the work and met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems everywhere, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is
There is a girl who is very unlucky, just joined the work and met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems everywhere, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is
There is a girl who is very unlucky, just joined the work and met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems everywhere, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is
There is a girl who is very unlucky, just joined the work and met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems everywhere, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is
There is a girl who is very unlucky, just joined the work and met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems everywhere, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is
There is a girl who is very unlucky, just joined the work and met a difficult boss, every day to her cold face and everything to find her faults to find her problems everywhere, in her opinion, all the boss's behavior is

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