
Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat

author:Surgeon Ger said

Nowadays, although people's lives are rich, they also face many diseases. Although it is an era of health preservation, people also pay great attention to their body, it is inevitable that the body will induce diseases, the liver is the most important organ in the human body, liver injuries, most of them are due to food malnutrition or food itself has toxins caused by diseases.

The importance of the liver to humans is self-evident. In recent years, the incidence of liver disease has increased year by year, especially liver diseases such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer, which have brought great harm to people. Therefore, before liver disease occurs, we must do a good job in the prevention of liver disease.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat

What are the causes of liver disease?

Bad living habits, excessive drinking, now many people are tired of socializing, hesitating at the dinner table, drinking indiscriminately, invisibly increasing the workload of liver drainage toxins, so that liver lesions, such as alcoholic liver, liver cirrhosis, etc.

Poor eating habits, such as eating unhygienic things, or eating irregularly, hungry and full, will affect the liver's qi machine and overwork, which is the main cause of hepatitis B.

Because of excessive exertion, such as heavy physical work and mental work, the body is in a state of overload for a long time, resulting in the body's resistance to decline and disease.

Cold, this cause of hepatitis B, can slow down various chemical reactions in the body, reduce resistance, and invade the human body of hepatitis B virus, get the opportunity to reproduce.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat

Malnutrition and fatigue, trauma, mental stimulation, and toxic effects of drugs are also causes of hepatitis B.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver?

Corn is a very common food in long life, cooked corn soft and sweet, not only delicious taste, but also very high nutritional value.

"Corn" can be described as the most common coarse food in daily life, which is also rich in nutrients: protein, trace elements, dietary fiber, fiber, often eat some corn, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, to achieve the purpose of delaying aging, and even some people in order to lose weight, will take corn as a staple food.

Liver disease is complex and diverse, not a simple disease, once the liver lesions, it will also cause a variety of diseases in the body.

For patients with a bad liver, often eat corn, can speed up bile secretion, assist in digesting food, is conducive to the stability of the internal structure of the liver, and can avoid liver lobular fibrosis, therefore, people with poor liver can eat corn.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat

Doctor reminds: If you want to nourish the liver, eat as little as possible of these four foods

Pickled pickles

This kind of food is a convenient and delicious food for people without exception, although this kind of food is delicious, but it is not advisable to eat more, especially people with liver disease.

The reason why pickles are delicious is that a large number of additives and their salts are added in the production process, making people addicted, long-term pickled kimchi will produce a large number of spoiled substances, but also produce harmful substances of nitrite, excessive use, not only will affect the liver, but also aggravate the lesions of the liver, induce the risk of liver cancer.


Barbecue needs to be smoked cooked, the taste is very delicious, especially the freshly out of the pot barbecue, deeply attract people's taste buds, plus some seasonings, it is simply "delicious in the world"

But for liver patients: often eating barbecue is also a phenomenon of chronic poisoning. Barbecue in the process of edification will release a kind of "benzopyrene" that needs to be detoxified by the liver.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat


We all know that alcohol is irritating. Entering the human body will not only cause strong damage to the stomach and intestines, but also have a certain impact on the liver. Since alcohol contains a large amount of ethanol and ether, excessive accumulation will bring heavy pressure and burden to the liver, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

Fried foods

After frying, the food can be said to be crispy and delicious, fragrant, which can enhance people's appetite.

Long-term consumption of fried, food, will lead to excessive gastrointestinal intake of greasy food, thereby affecting the digestion and absorption capacity of the stomach, increasing the burden of gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby aggravating the trouble of constipation. Although the liver has the effect of detoxification and detoxification, long-term intake of too much fried food will increase the burden of liver operation, thereby destroying the effect of detoxification and antidote, fried food is the culprit of liver disease.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat

What are the symptoms of liver damage?

Liver damage will have obvious liver pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, fatigue and discomfort, if it is a drug-induced liver damage patients will also appear yellow staining of the skin and mucous membranes around the body, and even affect the coagulation mechanism abnormalities, manifested as subcutaneous bleeding points, will also induce gastrointestinal bleeding, acute liver function damage, emergency ulcers.

In addition, some patients are secondary to chronic viral hepatitis, which will be manifested as palmar and spider angiomas, and chronic hepatitis is also prone to cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and even induce the emergence of liver malignant tumors, patients will have a large amount of ascites, and even lead to spontaneous peritonitis, high fever and chills.

Esophageal and gastric varices are often secondary to portal hypertension, and can also be manifested as melena, blood in the stool, hematemesis, and in severe cases, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage and hemorrhagic shock.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat

These foods can prevent liver damage


Excellent protein can eliminate harmful fats in the liver and regenerate liver cells. Therefore, patients with liver disease should drink two glasses of milk a day to alleviate the disease. The digestibility of drinking milk is as high as 98%, and milk fat is high-quality fat, with a digestibility rate of more than 95%.


Soybeans, peas, black soybeans, mung beans and other beans and their products soy milk, tofu, soybean flour, is a good source of human protein, but also a healthy food for the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease and fatty liver. If you can replace animal protein with 20 grams of soy protein every day, it is very beneficial to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Can you eat corn with a bad liver? Doctor's reminder: nourish the liver in summer, 4 diets as much as possible to do not eat


The taurine in kelp can lower cholesterol, and the rich dietary fiber alginic acid can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol.


The sulfide mixture in garlic reduces cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots, and increasing HDL.

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