
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

During the recovery period of new crown virus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know:

Patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and sputum, so the appropriate drug can be selected according to the patient's symptoms. Cough is a protective reflex that occurs when the respiratory tract is irritated

Activity, that is, when respiratory receptors (chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and stretch receptors) are stimulated, nerve impulses are transmitted along the vagus nerve to the cough center, and when the cough center is excited, its nerve impulses are transmitted along the vagus and motor nerves to the effectors (respiratory smooth muscle, respiratory muscle, and laryngeal head muscle), causing cough.

Mild cough is beneficial for sputum production, and antitussives are generally not required. However, severe cough, especially a severe dry cough without sputum, can interfere with rest and sleep, and even worsen the condition or cause other complications. At this time, antitussives must be added at the same time as the treatment of the cause. For patients who have a dry cough during the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, 6 drugs are recommended for everyone

1. Western medicine:

Compound licorice tablets are compound preparations, the components of which are licorice extract powder, opioid powder, camphor, star anise oil, etc., of which licorice flow extract is a protective expectorant, and the active ingredient is glycyrrhizic acid, which can cover the inflamed pharyngeal mucosa to reduce the stimulation of local sensory nerve endings, thereby exerting antitussive and expectorant effects, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The active ingredient of opioid powder is morphine, which can inhibit the cough center of the medulla oblongata, make the cough reflex disappear, and play a cough suppressive effect. Camphor and star anise oil stimulate bronchial mucus secretion, making sputum thin and easy to cough up. Compound licorice tablets can be taken orally or sublingually.

Compound methoxyphenamine capsules, also known as strong asthma, are compound preparations, and its components are methoxynamine hydrochloride, aminophylline, noscapine, and chlorpheniramine maleate.

Methiconemine hydrochloride is an β-adrenergic receptor agonist, which has the effect of relaxing bronchial smooth muscle and relieving bronchospasm. Its antiasthmatic effect is stronger than ephedrine, and the central excitation and cardiovascular aspects are weaker.

Aminophylline is a bronchodilator, mainly by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle, stimulating the respiratory center, enhancing the strength of respiratory muscles and the clearance ability of airway cilia, improving respiratory function, and exerting asthmatic effect. In addition, low concentrations of theophylline also have the effect of fighting airway inflammation, inhibiting the swelling of the bronchial mucosa, relieving coughing during asthma attacks, making sputum easy to cough up.

Noscaptine is a peripheral antitussive that suppresses cough caused by the lung stretch reflex. Has the effect of excitating the respiratory center. The antitussive effect is generally maintained for 4 hours and is not addictive.

Chlorpheniramine maleate, also known as chlorpheniramine, is an antihistamine that has the effect of relaxing bronchial smooth muscle, relieving wheezing and cough caused by contraction of bronchial smooth muscle. In addition, chlorpheniramine has anticholinergic effects, which can help reduce airway secretions and reduce cough symptoms.

The combination of the above four drugs can not only reduce cough caused by throat and bronchial inflammation, but also relieve cough during asthma attacks, which is conducive to sputum production.

Dextromethorphan hydrobromide is a central antitussive, mainly by inhibiting the bulbar cough center, which exerts a central antitussive effect, and its antitussive intensity is equal to or slightly stronger than codeine. This drug has no analgesic effect, and long-term application has not seen tolerability and addiction. Suitable for dry cough caused by various causes.

2. Proprietary Chinese Medicine:

The oral liquid formula of Yangyin Qinglung is rehmania, ginseng, wheat dong, white peony, peony peel, Sichuan fritillary, peppermint and licorice. Fang Zhong Dihuang nourishes yin and clear heat, which is a jun medicine. Xuan ginseng and Mai Dong not only nourish the yin of the lungs and kidneys, but also cool the blood and detoxify, and white peony and yin release heat, which are common medicines. Peony peel cool serum heat, Sichuan fritillary moisturizes the lungs and dissolves phlegm, peppermint dispels wind and pharynx, and is used as an adjuvant. Licorice expectorant and cough, reconciling medicines, for medicine. The combination of various medicines plays the role of nourishing yin and dryness, clearing the lungs and throat.

The composition of Chuanbei snow pear paste is pear clear paste, Sichuan fritillary, wheat dong, lily, and winter flower. Fang Zhong pear clear ointment sweet, slightly cold, into the lungs and stomach meridians, nourishing and moisturizing, clearing heat and phlegm, for the medicine of king. Sichuan fritillary taste bitter sweet, cool, moisturizing the lungs and pharynx, coughing and phlegm, and is a medicine. Mai Dong, lily nourish yin and moisturize the lungs; Winter flowers moisturize the lungs, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough, and are used as adjuvants. The above medicinal flavor is combined to moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, and nourish and pharyngeal.

Lily Gujin Pill is composed of lily, ripe rehmania, wheat dong, Sichuan fritillary, xuan ginseng, rehmania, angelica, white peony, bellflower, licorice. Fang Zhong lily clears the lungs and relieves cough, cooked ground yellow nourishes the kidney and benefits the yin, and is a monarch medicine. Mai Dong, Sichuan Fritillary, Xuan Ginseng, Dihuang Zhujun medicine nourishes the yin and moisturizes the lungs, relieves cough and phlegm, and is a common medicine. Angelica, white peony nourishes blood and yin, bellflower coughs and expectorant, and is used as an adjuvant. Licorice moisturizes the lungs and relieves cough, harmonizes various medicines, and makes medicines. The combination of various medicines plays the effect of nourishing the yin and moisturizing the lungs, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough.

Clinically, the above 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines are used to treat cough caused by dry lungs and yin injuries, the symptoms are dry cough, less sticky sputum, or gradually hoarseness, dry mouth and pharynx, slow onset, red tongue, less moss, and fine pulse count. #健康2023 #

During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed
During the recovery period of new coronavirus infection, dry cough does not stop, these 6 cough medicines, you must know: patients infected with the new coronavirus usually have symptoms such as cough and phlegm, so they can be followed

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