
Don't forget to bring these medicines with you on your way home. At the end of the year, many foreigners are about to embark on the journey home, so don't forget to bring some emergency medicine when packing your luggage

author:Wei Zikun science popularization time

Don't forget to bring these medicines with you on your way home.

At the end of the year, many foreigners are about to embark on the journey home, so don't forget to bring some emergency medicine when packing your luggage, just in case.

The first is motion sickness medicine, the more commonly used is dignoxynin (dimenhydrinate). If motion sickness is severe, it is recommended to take it half an hour before the plane takes off, the train or the car starts.

The second is antidiarrheal drugs, if you have improper diet or gastrointestinal infection on the way home, it is easy to have diarrhea, so bring some montmorillonite powder, enteritis ning, lotus fragrance zhengqi drop pills and other medicines, can be a good symptomatic treatment, relieve discomfort.

Moreover, cold medicine, the temperature is low in winter, the temperature difference in and out of the room, the car is large, coupled with the gathering of people, it is easy to catch a cold, so bring some Chinese proprietary medicines such as Lianhua Qingwen to facilitate timely improvement of discomfort symptoms. And because it targets the improvement of systemic symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, muscle aches, etc., whether it is a cold, flu or new crown, it can play a clear therapeutic effect, and it is more reassuring to carry some on the way home.

Finally, there are protective equipment, including masks, alcohol wipes, hand sanitizer, etc., and you can also bring some antigen detection reagents with your luggage.

Prepare the above medicine supplies, I believe that everyone's journey home can be safer, more secure and smoother! #专家谈 "long new crown": Some people should appropriately increase high-quality protein after one year of symptoms still ## "Yangkang" #

Don't forget to bring these medicines with you on your way home. At the end of the year, many foreigners are about to embark on the journey home, so don't forget to bring some emergency medicine when packing your luggage
Don't forget to bring these medicines with you on your way home. At the end of the year, many foreigners are about to embark on the journey home, so don't forget to bring some emergency medicine when packing your luggage
Don't forget to bring these medicines with you on your way home. At the end of the year, many foreigners are about to embark on the journey home, so don't forget to bring some emergency medicine when packing your luggage

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