
More than 50 women weight loss advice, expert advice from Dr

author:Weight loss headlines

Hey friend, welcome

I am a Ph.D

Anthony Balduzi

I am

Fitness Mom Program and Fitness Mom Program

Welcome to this special video

Advice on losing weight for women over 50 years old

This is one of the most important videos of our channel

This is a very in-depth video

We're going to teach you what my team and I have used


More than ten thousand parents and their families

Use these 6 ways to lose more than £100,000 of fat

The principle of this video is simple

If you want 2 minutes

Quick fix for weight loss scam

Video: That's not what you guys want to do

But you want to stay for 10 more years

Plus the basics of minute learning

Something that really helps you

As a busy woman over 50, lose weight and keep it going

This is your video stay

I know you'll learn 1t

So take out your pen and paper and make some notes

Let's get on with it

Okay, when it comes to weight

The loss of a woman is there

The first thing we have to look at is the forties and fifties and sixties

What is your metabolic state

We are

Don't beat around the bush, let's face it

As we age, it becomes harder to lose weight


Does our metabolism slow down with age?

In fact, when we were in our 40s

In the fifties and sixties, we usually burned 200 to 350 degrees

We eat fewer calories a day than we did in our 20s

This may not seem like a lot

But it does make sense

I mean within a week

300 calories multiplied by 7 is about 1 pound 2/

So if we eat as before, we use

It's the same method we used when we were younger

We are going to

Discover our frustrations

There doesn't seem to be a loss of weight, we probably would

Even got fat in the process, so we must


There are some metabolic changes that occur in us

Age, this happens to both men and women

But there are some, especially women

The hormonal changes are because we are in our 40s

Especially when we reach the age of fifty or sixty

Here we are

Perry menopause and menopause

The main thing that happens in the cycle

In the female body

Extraversion levels begin to decline

Estrogen does play a big role

The characters affected a bunch of them

Other hormones come from autologous growth

In fact, when the level of extra insulin drops

The sensitivity is

Insulin is a key hormone that helps us

Processed sugars and carbohydrates

So we became a little

Resistance to carbohydrates is another matter

This can make losing weight more challenging

So I don't want to make this all look like bad news

We just have to really face it

Basic facts

Because when we look at tip 3 to

We're going to discuss

There is something we can do to counteract these things

Take my word for it

If you are a woman in your 40s

From 50 to 60, you can lose as much as you want

This is 100% possible

We just need to write out the various strategies

But we don't actually start with diet and exercise

This is a big mistake for many women

When they want to lose weight

Because they think it's just the next diet

Next workout program

The first thing we have to do is

The right mindset

Because if we tell the truth

This is no simple kung fu tip

Weight loss is a behavioral game

Many of us know

Salmon is healthier than burgers

The dinner menu is just for us to go

Order healthy meals


We know what healthy food is

It's like

How do we make sure we eat these things all the time?

Don't go back to the old pattern

Many weight loss methods come down to:

Mindset and psychology

The first thing we have to do

Our Fitness Mom program for all women

Are we going to let them write one

30-Day Weight Loss Mission Statement

This outline

The reason why they want to lose weight

At a deep level

So it takes a little

Introspection and reflection

So now take the time to look at it with me

Why are you motivated to watch this now

Video on YouTube

What are the main reasons for weight loss

So I guess there's a physiological reason why you're doing that

Put on that dress

You want to lose weight

And your belly

Your arms, your thighs, your ass

You may have some special cosmetic reasons

These are magical

We want to do these things

Are there other reasons

How weight bearing affects your self-confidence

What's going on with weightloading

Affect your ability to be good

Be a parent with your child

How this affects your work

How it affects your finances

When we start to really realize the big picture

We can buy some

Psychological levers to explain why

Weight loss is not just a beautiful thing

It may even be a necessity for our health

You know, for me

That's why I started Healthy Mom

Program and Healthy Father Program

Because I saw my dad was sick

Without taking care of himself, he died at the age of 42

Then I looked at mine

Mom struggles to maintain our family

As a result, her health was compromised

So for me

This weight loss stuff is far more than superficial

It's as if this is me almost

Tearing our families apart

That's why I'm so determined to help you

Busy moms like you

Lose weight and keep it up

Then for you, you must

Find your motivation

Let's face the reality 23 weeks later

When you are making a healthy eating plan

Things are going to get tough

But if we have a deep emotional foundation

Back to you know why we would

Relax the weight and why this is so important

This gives a sustained strength

Because this is a consistent female game

We don't just want to lose 10 pounds

And then retake everything

We don't want it to appear

So speaking of the mission statement

Some on the diary

Write your mission statement

It might look like this

I'm Susan

And promise to lose 15 pounds in the next two months

Because I know I have a problem with my weight

This affected my self-confidence

I set a bad example for my children

I know by losing weight

I will feel lighter and thinner

I love myself more

I feel more confident and I will

Enhances my ability to be a good mother

Do my job

It will make sure I have

A body that serves me

In the last 20 years and 30 years into the future period

Just like this

Print it out and stick it on the refrigerator

Keep it in your car

Keep it in your bathroom

Refer to it daily

This is important

The next step is another common mistake that many women make

When they are trying to lose weight

Are they focused and dying

Their sleep was not checked first

Most women don't know sleep

Especially when we are in our forties and sixties

The basis for weight loss

Sleep is like a master clock

It controls all of our major weight loss hormones

Control core results

Control of insulin

Control thyroid hormones

When we are sleep-deprived

Or shoot directly at your own footprints

This involves our weight loss efforts

Research shows

Is it a woman who is not getting enough sleep

Then continue the diet and eventually lose muscle, not the truth

This makes them more likely to gain weight

After they stop dieting

So we have to go to bed and check it out

This usually means a minimum value

7 hours of quality sleep

And then I'm talking about quality sleep

If you have children, wake you up

Let a dog wake you up

Or you have to get up all night to pee

We have to check your sleep

And with higher quality


Everything we're going to talk about is about eating

Exercise won't work

Because of this sleep

Poor sleep quality

Keep your bite tense at all times

We have some articles linked below

About how to sleep better

The connection between the two

Sleep and weight loss are really simple

Things you can do

It's like wearing a mask and earplugs

Lower the temperature of the room

Drink some herbal t-shirts in the evening

Use the suggestions in the article below

But in this video, I want to give you a whole

So sleep knows

It's actually more important to get on the right track

than diet

Now, the next priority is healthy eating

Because let's face it

An unhealthy diet can't offset exercise

Many women think it's about losing weight

You have to go to the treadmill and work out

On the elliptical machine

Go to a yoga class and start lifting weights

But this is not the case

I repeat

In fact, you don't need to lose weight through exercise

I'm not saying you shouldn't take this approach

We want you to exercise

But understand a healthy eating plan

is the foundation

Because when we lose weight

We want to create a 1-calorie deficit

And it's also much easier not to eat 500 calories

Better than spending an hour on a treadmill

500 calories makes sense

Like McDonald's medium fries

455 kcal

Let's skip this

And without spending an hour on the treadmill

And then there's the exercises we're going to do

I'll take you inside

A special sport

These MRT training and steps

6 will help our interests

So when it comes to healthy eating and nutrition

We have a lot of diving training for you

This is the length in the description

We have a completely free healthy mom meal plan

They will email you

It's amazing

I'll tell you what to eat

Breakfast, snacks and dinner

In this video

I'll give it to you

The big picture of something

Start the first thing I want you to think

About your nutrition

What is the best diet for you

Can you stick with it for a long time

It means a few things

A person must be convenient

It can't be too complicated, it can't be like eating


You get a weird super brawl every 1.5 hours of the day

I guess you're a super busy person like me

So you need something sustainable

This brings us to the second article

The second piece of advice is that we need it

Set meal times

I want you to start being proactive

A place you know every day

You eat at 8 o'clock



This is just one example

We have different meal schedules

Our Fitmother project

It's about the ghost setting

So if you go out early

For work

Or give your child a score or something

Eat at 8 o'clock

Eat about every 4 hours after noon

Snack from 3 to 4 pm

Eating "Big Adventure" at 7 o'clock is a meal schedule

Or you can do something like our eating out plan

Which is the framework for intermittent fasting

You might go back to where you first had your meal

Skip breakfast

Eat your first meal at 11 o'clock

Snack at 3 o'clock

Dinner at 7 o'clock

All these different mealtime settings are in effect

The key is to find that

Work on your schedule

The two people I proposed to you

We actually have 5 in our fully fitted model

30 x program

We need to find the one that works best for you

What do you think

Is this a good email timing setting?

Take notes

Make a note of it

Do you like breakfast

If that's the case, maybe you'll want this plan

with 8:3 p.m

Don't you really care

About breakfast

You can try intermittent fasting

Then let's try

But we have to determine when you will eat

Then when it comes to

What you actually eat during this time

Very simple thing

We teach here

The Fitmother project is a concept called architecture

Perfect plate

So when you have these perfect blades

Very simple

You feel half of it

You can put any vegetables you like on your plate

This is steamed broccoli

It can also be a salad

It may also be asparagus bulb sprouts kale

You ate 1/4 of the plate

Plus your favorite lean protein

This can be

You know animal protein

For example, organic chicken breast or grass

Medium beef

Or if you want to eat a plant-based vegetarian diet

This could be something like organic tofu

It can be like this

Lentils are higher in protein

And things like beans and lagoons

And then another

A quarter of your plate will be some sort of

Carbohydrates you like

This is important because now

There are a lot of people

Speaking of ultra-low-carb diets

Ketogenic diet

They can be very effective

We are their fans

But I want you to know that it's not necessary

Reduce carbohydrates to lose weight

Women are a mother-friendly project

Lose 20, 30, 40 pounds in 23 months

At the same time, eat carbohydrates every day

That includes bread

So I need you to know that you don't need to

Excessive restriction for weight loss

Carbohydrates can be part of your plan

Especially if you like these

That's why this perfect plate concept

Very effective

Because it makes things simple

Speaking of breakfast

What does this look like?

You may have a serving of green vegetables

One or two tablets of high quality

Gluten-free or plain toast like zigua bread

A couple of eggs and a slice of turkey

That would be a great breakfast

Lunch may look like a big one

Top the salad with some protein

At dinner, it may look like a cup of rice

Try chicken breast or salmon

Put some greens on the side

So there are a lot of different options

When you understand this perfect plate concept

It gives you a wide space

You can make a variety of different foods

over and over

We have a free healthy mom jump to start

This not only gives you our all

A busy mom with a day of weight loss meals

But it also gives you an exercise program

There are links in the description

It is 100% free

If you want to dive deeper into nutrition

No need to do this video

An hour to take a look

The second thing after healthy eating is understanding

The importance of daily activities

Note that we did not invoke this exercise

Studies show good sleep

Plus a healthy eating plan and daily activities

This is what you need to lose weight

In fact, we have a client who doesn't exercise at all

She just followed our diet plan

She walks 30 minutes a day

She lost more than 50 pounds

You don't need exercise to lose weight

This is helpful, but daily activities are more important

The reason is

It's because of daily activities

It actually helps our brains

Hormones that control hunger and appetite

Actually make sure

Our blood circulation is normal

This has nothing to do with calories burned

This is a fact

Our body and metabolism

When we reach that goal, we work better

Minimum activity threshold

So for most women, I think it's about 5

000 steps per day

Exercise for about 30 minutes a day

Research also supports if you go for a walk

You eat a meal almost immediately

You'll get better answers

The benefits of losing weight are greater than yours

Is it at a different time

So timing matters

So a walk after a meal is like

Walk 3 times a day for 10 to 15 minutes each

Calculate your 30 minutes

It's perfect, so you have to do all of this in one setup

You can expand it

You have to make sure your body is moving

Especially when you're sitting in an office working

Where you drive your kids around

It's always been a car

You're on the ground

We know sitting

They call it the new type of smoking

It's one of the worst things we can do

So we've got you up and moving

If you have a table, stand up

Walk a few steps every hour

You know, park away when you're in the store

So you can take a few more steps

Accumulate steps throughout the day

Is a healthy diet the key to losing weight?

Once we have strategy 1 to

We're going to talk about the last trick

It's all about what kind of exercise you should do

This is the best weight loss exercise we are doing

There are 40s, 50s and 60s known as MRT training

Represents metabolic resistance training

Which combination is the best strength training

Weight lifting exercises

With aerobic exercise

All of these are effective one-time workouts that take 30 to 45 minutes


Women aged 40 ~ 60 need to lift weights

This may be

The most effective way to exercise

It's a shame that so many passionate women don't do this

To know this

I always believed

You need to do aerobic exercise or a lot of aerobic exercise

Get the figure you want

Women need strength training

Especially as they get older

Maybe more than men

Because when we come back to the first question

With a decrease in metabolism

When Perry enters menopause

and menopause

Decreased estrogen levels

Women tend to lose muscle mass

Decreased bone density

Strength training can solve both problems

It also boosts your metabolism

So what are the benefits of strength training for you

This will help you build a lean tone

Build muscles and make your body look instantly

And it burns more calories

So when you do strength training

You start building muscle

Your metabolic furnace is about to start

In case of calorie deficit

Where fewer calories are consumed

Being in your 20s can also be explained

Proper strength training

What is MRT training

We have a completely free MRT workout below

And our free fitness mom jump starts

We put our diet plan to your place

Plus these MRT trainings

Simply put, it is

As a woman, do some exercises that work best for you

You are 40 to 60 years old

Such as squats, dead lifts, shoulder presses and platoons

When it puts these into the circuit

There is almost no rest in between

So we can start directly with squats

Direct shoulder pressing

Go straight to the platoon, go straight to the hard lift

Do 5 to 10 reps per set and then rest

Then we repeat the cycle

These MRT trainings are great because they just need to

20, 30, 40 minutes, depending on how you arrange it

Here's what we've got for you, along with Fit Mom Jump Start

24-minute workout

You want to do it 2 or 3 times in a few weeks

Because of every workout

Can boost metabolism

Up to 24 hours after each treatment

So your metabolism must speed up on Monday

Make one on Wednesday and the metabolism will speed up

It's Friday

You have a sustained metabolism-boosting effect

Normal aerobic exercise does not do this

You need to lift weights to achieve this effect

Take my word for it

This is not to say

You have to lift weights and turn around

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Women just don't have testosterone

Then quickly increase the level of muscle

That's what Power Chain does for you

Sculpting your legs and your arms can help you lose belly fat

Cock your ass

The results that strange training can produce are absolutely amazing

Here are some pictures of women

Our Fitmeller 30x program

Who started this train

Training to put their bodies in shape

They look fantastic

You can experience it for yourself

But again

The purpose of this video is to give you an overall picture

We need to start by understanding reality

Our approach needs to be different

Because you are a woman

In their 40s, 50s and 60s

We need the right mindset

We need to find out why you are

Why do you want to lose weight

Put it in your mission statement

We want to make sure you sleep properly

We will let you eat healthy food

It's simple and sustainable

So that means it's based on the right meal time

It is not overly restrictive

Then we're going to let you walk for 30 minutes

A few minutes a day

It can be spaced out

Then we're going to do Metabox

Resistance training

2 - 3 times a week

That's all you need to start losing weight

Women who followed these guidelines lost 20 – 30 pounds

£40 or even £100

This works for you

But as a woman of forty or sixty years old

You need to have a proper plan

For your body, this is your metabolism

In your busy life, you are a busy mother

We are the Fitness Mom program

Me and my team are very dedicated

Help busy moms like you

Maintain a healthy life

Especially with age

So we're happy to help you

More than 50 women weight loss advice, expert advice from Dr
More than 50 women weight loss advice, expert advice from Dr
More than 50 women weight loss advice, expert advice from Dr