
A rooster sees two hens tied up and lying on the ground, and in distress he steps forward to help the hen untie the rope with his beak, but this is an impossible task for him. The rooster had no choice but to give up

author:Read all over the flowers

A rooster sees two hens tied up and lying on the ground, and in distress he steps forward to help the hen untie the rope with his beak, but this is an impossible task for him. The rooster had no choice but to give up, and then it spread its wings and gently covered the hen, hoping to protect the two hens.

Tears, this is a brave and responsible rooster, the rooster itself is difficult to protect, and still wants to protect the hen, true love!

Big brother with love and righteousness, no wonder there are so many wives [covering face]

#2023 Chinese New Year Temple Fair#

#解忧杂货铺 #

A rooster sees two hens tied up and lying on the ground, and in distress he steps forward to help the hen untie the rope with his beak, but this is an impossible task for him. The rooster had no choice but to give up
A rooster sees two hens tied up and lying on the ground, and in distress he steps forward to help the hen untie the rope with his beak, but this is an impossible task for him. The rooster had no choice but to give up
A rooster sees two hens tied up and lying on the ground, and in distress he steps forward to help the hen untie the rope with his beak, but this is an impossible task for him. The rooster had no choice but to give up

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