
Goji berries with him, yin and yang double supplement, let the kidney return to 18 years old

author:Director of TCM Cardiovascular Horse

Goji berries with it, yin and yang double supplement, let the kidney return to 18 years old. What to do about premature aging?

Goji berries with him, yin and yang double supplement, let the kidney return to 18 years old

As the saying goes, 40 does not make up, 50 suffers. Loss of kidney sperm, premature graying, loose teeth, dizziness, tinnitus, waist and knee soreness.

If you find yourself increasingly weak, it means that your kidney essence is lost. In Chinese medicine, the kidney meridian is the material basis of the human body, which can metamorphosis kidney yang to warm our body, and generate kidney yin to moisturize our internal organs, which plays a very important role in physical health. If the kidney essence is insufficient, it will make our whole person look older than our peers, so what should we do?

Goji berries with him, yin and yang double supplement, let the kidney return to 18 years old

Today I will share with you the ways to replenish the kidney and help you make up for the lost kidney essence,

Goji berries with him, yin and yang double supplement, let the kidney return to 18 years old

It contains goji berries, raspberries, dodder seeds, schisandra seeds, psyllium. Goji berries are commonly used drugs for tonifying the kidneys, which can play a role in tonifying the liver and kidneys, strengthening the waist and knees, strengthening muscles and bones, and improving people's vitality. Raspberry can benefit the kidney and solidify the essence, dodder seed can play the role of adding essence and solidifying the kidney and tonifying yang, schisandra can play a role in invigorating qi and vitality, nourishing the kidney and nourishing the heart, and fixing sperm, psyllium can clear heat and diuresis, moisture, stop diarrhea, and maintain the smoothness of blood and urine.

Goji berries with him, yin and yang double supplement, let the kidney return to 18 years old

The above combination of tonic and diarrhea, complement each other, for patients who use the body excessively when young, resulting in kidney deficiency has a very obvious conditioning effect. Speaking of this, I still want to remind you that although the prescription is good, but not suitable for all people, the soul of Chinese medicine lies in dialectical treatment, each person's situation is different, the way also needs to be added and subtracted, and it also needs to be different from person to person, so you must not blindly use the medicine yourself.

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