
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass

author:Shuhui shares film and television

#我的生活也是头条 #

There are some things that no one will understand except yourself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Quietly collapse, slowly heal itself, when the time comes, everything will pass #@Watermelon Creation Research Center

Time: 60 minutes

Flavor: Sour and spicy

Difficulty level: ★★★ ☆☆

Ingredients: 300g chicken feet, 50g onion, 10g lemon slices, a little green pepper and red pepper.

Seasoning: 20g ginger, 1 tsp each of fine salt and chicken sauce, 1/2 tsp each of fish sauce and sugar, 2 tsp white vinegar.

Method production steps

1 Wash the chicken feet, chop off the toe tips, blanch thoroughly in a pot of clean water, turn off the heat, add 1 tsp of white vinegar and soak for 2 minutes, remove and rinse, cut into small pieces.

2 Ginger peeled, washed and finely sliced; Peel the onion, wash it and shred it; Wash the green and red peppers and cut them into small pieces.

3 Put shredded onion, ginger strips, green and red pepper grains and lemon slices into a container, add fine salt, chicken paste, fish sauce, sugar, white vinegar to make a sauce, add chicken feet and marinate for 30 minutes.

#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass
#My life is also a headline #There are some things that no one will understand except myself; Some helpless, no one can say except silence. Collapse quietly, slowly heal itself, and when the time comes, everything will pass

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