
In 64, Chairman Mao watched Peking Opera and asked Xiao Hua in a low voice: What is the position of the "protagonist" on stage now?

author:Xunyang History Jun

In 1951, the Korean War broke out, and for the sake of national stability, Chairman Mao decided to "resist US aggression and aid Korea" after careful consideration. Enthusiastic young people have joined the battle one after another, and Yang Yucai is also one of them.

Yang Yucai was not afraid of hardship, but also dared to rush and fight, and his position rose higher and higher, and he even won the reputation of "Little Zhuge " and "Strong Soldier" in the army.

In 1953, Yang Yucai had already become the deputy platoon commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the 607th Regiment of the 203rd Division of the 68th Army.

Although his position is not high, his courage is extraordinarily big, and he is even afraid of "pulling teeth from the mouth of the tiger". So, what is the result of "tooth extraction"? What happened in the process?

In 64, Chairman Mao watched Peking Opera and asked Xiao Hua in a low voice: What is the position of the "protagonist" on stage now?

First, the tiger's mouth pulls teeth

In 1953, due to the disadvantage of the war situation, the enemy decided to sign an armistice. It's just that the enemy's move is not sincere, even if they are already at a disadvantage, they still want to die and struggle again, and now the promise is just a real fight.

The enemy's abacus crackled, and our army is not vegetarian. Sensing the enemy's intentions, he immediately decided to launch a counterattack to make the enemy aware of his situation.

In order to be foolproof, in addition to carrying out a general attack on the enemy's interior, the leadership of the volunteer army also gave an important instruction - to destroy the enemy's White Tiger Regiment and seize the opportunity.

At that time, the White Tiger Regiment was an elite force under Syngman Rhee, and its strength could not be underestimated, and wanting to complete this task was tantamount to "pulling teeth from the mouth of the tiger". Because the task was urgent and could not be mistaken, the volunteer army leader sent Yang Yucai after reflection.

In 64, Chairman Mao watched Peking Opera and asked Xiao Hua in a low voice: What is the position of the "protagonist" on stage now?

Yang Yucai got the task, and did not equip the timidity of losing to the enemy, but was full of confidence and prepared to bring a good news back. Yang Yu can become a deputy platoon commander, naturally it is not empty.

After taking the task, he first sent soldiers to explore the terrain and dark bunkers around the White Tiger Regiment, and then gave instructions for action after repeated explanations.

When the command order was given, a fierce battle began.

I saw Yang Yucai and others flexibly shuttling on the battlefield, the enemy army kept falling, everyone killed more and more courageously, seeing that they were about to take the high and low, suddenly the sound of "I stepped on a mine" made Yang Yucai startled in his heart.

In 64, Chairman Mao watched Peking Opera and asked Xiao Hua in a low voice: What is the position of the "protagonist" on stage now?

It is not a good thing to step on a mine without blinking a shell on the battlefield, not to mention that now is a critical moment to seize the heights, how can this be good? Yang Yucai did not get tangled, he first let people continue to charge forward, and then he found the soldier who stepped on the mine to clear the mine.

The process of demining was extremely dangerous, and Yang Yucai never lacked this courage and wisdom. Under his calm command, the soldiers' lives were safe, and the other fighters successfully seized the enemy's 415 heights.

Yang Yucai's plan of action was very meticulous, and after just two days of the "Tiger's Mouth Pulling Teeth" mission, he killed many enemies and achieved the first stage of victory.

However, the road behind is even more difficult.

On July 13, in order to obtain more useful information, Yang Yucai asked people to find a set of American officers' uniforms, selected 10 scouts and 2 translators to dress up in disguise, and prepared to penetrate the depth of the enemy.

In 64, Chairman Mao watched Peking Opera and asked Xiao Hua in a low voice: What is the position of the "protagonist" on stage now?

The operation went smoothly, and under the cover of the status of American officers, they were getting closer and closer to the enemy barracks, and seeing that they were about to succeed, there was one more person in the ranks behind them. After Yang Yucai tortured him, he learned that this person had escaped from the bunker, and the reason why he appeared here was because he thought that his group was a companion.

The sudden addition of "deserters" made them terrified, if they were exposed first, the consequences were unimaginable, but fortunately, there was still a chance to correct them.

Having received the enemy's password from the mouth of the "deserters", they began to advance more cautiously.

Suddenly, the enemy's mobile sentry appeared behind them, but at this time, Yang Yucai's group had already learned the password, and they avoided this battle without risk.

After crossing the guerrilla post, they also finally approached the headquarters of the "White Tiger Regiment".

Yang Yucai's platoon this time was to understand the situation of the enemy first, and then make corresponding countermeasures, but when they came, they saw the White Tiger Regiment packing up.

"Not good, the enemy is going to run away." Almost instantly, Yang Yucai affirmed his idea. After looking at the fighters who were traveling with them, they decided to act.

After a loud "bang", the regimental headquarters of the "White Tiger Regiment" became a mess, and Yang Yucai and others seized the opportunity to beat the enemy to the ground.

After some fighting, the "White Tiger Regiment" was defeated, and Yang Yucai's task of "pulling teeth from the mouth of the tiger" was successfully completed. After that, Yang Yucai and others got the glory they deserved, and this battle was adapted into the Peking opera "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" in 1957

Second, Chairman Mao asked

Peking Opera "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Troupe" performed wonderfully and was loved by many people. Since Chairman Mao was a veteran ticket holder, he was very curious about this performance.

In 1964, Chairman Mao freed up time to see this Peking Opera performance in Beidaihe.

Chairman Mao liked the "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" very much, so he also asked a few more words, and he was shocked to learn that this was an adaptation of real events on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and then asked Xiao Hua, director of the Political Department next to him, in a small voice: "What position is the 'protagonist' holding now." ”

In 64, Chairman Mao watched Peking Opera and asked Xiao Hua in a low voice: What is the position of the "protagonist" on stage now?

Xiao Hua didn't have time to watch these things on weekdays, and didn't know much about them, and replied: "I don't know very well." ”

When Chairman Mao heard such an answer, although he had some regret, he did not ask too many questions.

Chairman Mao did not ask, but Xiao Hua took this matter to heart, and after the performance, Xiao Hua sent his subordinates to investigate it. What kind of life does Yang Yucai live?

3. Later life

When Xiao Hua sent people to investigate Yang Yucai, he was only 40 years old and was still exerting his residual enthusiasm, training soldiers hard in the lake and cultivating talents for the country.

Knowing that Yang Yucai was so dedicated to serving the country, Xiao Hua suddenly felt admiration in his heart, and after learning that Yang Yucai had been in the position of a company-level cadre for 10 years, admiration turned into regret.

Through his suggestions and the investigation team's investigation, Yang Yucai did not stop moving forward, his status continued to improve, and he even became the deputy commander of the 203rd Division.

In 1983, Yang Yucai was forced to retire due to age, but his original intention has not changed.

In 64, Chairman Mao watched Peking Opera and asked Xiao Hua in a low voice: What is the position of the "protagonist" on stage now?

For the sake of the country, he retreated, making reports and speeches on his experience and cruel and glorious deeds on the battlefield to the next generation, and under his influence, this history was not forgotten, but became clearer.

In 1998, Yang Yucai won the National Award for Dedication to the Elderly, the honor of the advanced retired cadres of the whole army, looking back on Yang Yucai's life, all these honors are what he deserves, and what he does will forever affect future generations.

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