
Christine. Fontana biweekly horoscope Horoscope from January 18 to February 1

author:Extraordinary said constellations
Christine. Fontana biweekly horoscope Horoscope from January 18 to February 1


It's time, or definitely about to be. Your ruler Mars is in Gemini, starting straight on January 12 and gradually picking up speed. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, has also just moved straight today, January 18. Uranus, Mercury's big brother, has also been retrograde for five months, and this Sunday, January 22, the day after the Aquarius New Moon in charge of Uranus, will move forward. Essentially, this means that the lights ahead have nothing but green. Your ruler Mars is just waiting for "a signal" during the Aquarius New Moon on Saturday, January 21, because this lunar charge will somehow set you off for the race. With the metamorphosis of Pluto in its last few degrees in Capricorn, it becomes inseparable from the new moon as it removes what has been dragging you down or holding you back. It may feel a squeeze at first, but as soon as you release it, if you haven't, you'll quickly feel a new, better wind starting to blow. The vast Jupiter is also in Aries, and the positioning of this lunar tide could not be better, which will lead your intuition into the arms of a fortuitous intersection. Your instincts have always been accurate, and over the next two weeks, it will prove to be more accurate. As Mercury picks up, it enters a strategic position with Uranus on the last weekend of January, reflecting some kind of breakout or contingencies related to your career and earning potential. A rapid ascent is calling you.

Get on board!


For a fixed zodiac sign like you, change is never a walk in the park, and when you don't want or expect, sudden change is for the birds. But with unpredictable Uranus in your sign for years, you've really become more flexible and adaptable, even open to any changes that may come. Your ruler, Venus, is approaching Saturn Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, forming a new phase conjunction on Sunday, January 22. This happens to be the same day that Uranus in Taurus is going straight after five months of retrograde. This can literally feel like you're a bear coming out of hibernation and ready for the fruits of spring to replenish you. The day before, the new moon in Aquarius allows you to open the blinds and let the sunlight in again. You may even (secretly) desire a radically new path of life. Mars in action has gone straight on January 12, and after retrograde since the end of October, Mercury in Capricorn, also an earth elephant, went straight on Wednesday, January 18. Your values are changing, and the old ways you spend time are being replaced by activities that you may never have thought of thinking about before. It has ways to make you feel different in your own skin, but it's also better. While the strong theme of travel has always been present, both in your head and on a global scale, making sure new ideas are being nurtured into something substantial is the theme now. On Saturday, January 21, the crescent moon in Aquarius is in your house of business, receiving the push of Mars, as well as the divine blessings of Jupiter. Finally, Mercury and Uranus magically merge on the last weekend of January to help clear your distractions. Your life and work are evolving. Perhaps you are being called to a higher career. But whatever it is, your energy signal is transcontinental.

You're beginning to experience firsthand how far your information can fly. So, send love, and love will return with a full load.


Gemini, there's plenty of room for manoeuvre all the time. Your preference is to follow what is in front of you, and it is happily grabbing your attention. But Mars' retrograde in your sign, which began at the end of October, has been tugging at you, forcing you to retrace certain steps in the past. Mars first entered your constellation at the end of August and will not finally exit until the end of March 2023 due to retrograde. You've covered some old places, and it's unearthed a ton of emotions to deal with and share. Mars is heading straight on January 12, while your ruler Mercury is going straight today, Wednesday, January 18. What do you know about yourself (and others) as you relive the past? Hopefully, some of the air has been cleared. The high octave of Mercury is Uranus, which has also been retrograde for five months and will be stationed directly this Sunday, January 22. It's the soul thing, surfacing all the time, so you can go deep into it, get into the center, to face what you've been covering. This will greatly liberate you and allow you to take fewer detours. This Saturday, January 21, the new moon in Aquarius, also a wind sign, will also bring you liberation, as it combines with Mars in Gemini, sending you quickly onto a clear path that just seems to open effortlessly. In some cases, this may be the result of a conversation that has to take place, where the truth is told. What you've been dragging may be something from a few lifetimes ago, as Pluto travels a few degrees later in Capricorn, within the range of this Aquarius New Moon. It's about finally releasing some old fears. On the last weekend of January, Mercury and Uranus pair effortlessly to tie you in a bow of energy, ensuring your steps go higher and changing the way you move through space.

A change in perspective leads to a shift in your journey!


With the arrival of the Aquarius New Moon on Saturday, January 21, an energy shift can occur, causing major changes in your evolutionary path. Pluto is within reach of this lunar event, and the intensity in the air will remind you that you are responsible for carrying out the soul intentions you set before entering. For a few days around this moon open, stay receptive as downloads may start pouring in, along with deep awareness. After a retrograde slumber since October, Mars is heading straight, and on Wednesday, January 18, Mercury is also heading straight. Uranus, the ruler of the Aquarius New Moon, moved directly in this Sunday, January 22, after a 5-month vacation. It's a time of reflection and gathering, but also a time of remembering and going back to your roots in who you are and why you're here. Now that you know more about what you want and where you're headed, it's time to start implementing change. The generous Jupiter is sitting in the sweet position of Aries, and relative to this new moon, it is just waiting to offer goods, first and foremost to give you an elevated state of consciousness. Jupiter's role is also to guide you to your strengths and to the world in a more meaningful way. You might be born into new creative projects during your career or build community in the field you work in. Either way, it will make you vibrate at a higher frequency. At the end of the month, your relationship dynamics have changed surprisingly and can make your bond feel brand new again. At the end of January, Mercury's seamless triad of Capricorn and Uranus will also allow you to unexpectedly make new friends, and in some cases, friends will turn into something more intimate.

Simply sparking your imagination with abundant love might be the bright beacon you need to bring it out!


Do you know the experience when you work something and don't really feel the gains? It's like trying to lose weight from those holidays, even when you go back to the gym and eat to support a healthier body and presence, but the scale doesn't move. Action Mars has been retrograde since late October, but has just moved direction on January 12. Mercury has been retrograde in Capricorn since the end of December, which is a sign of commitment, and is stationed directly on Wednesday, January 18. Finally, Uranus, the changing planet, will be stationed directly on Sunday, January 22 after 5 months of retrograde. In addition to all these energy reversals, Scorpio's South Node has been activating emotions that may have been fueling the tendency to "cling" to the past as it ignites a greater sense of vulnerability. This Saturday, January 21, the new moon in the constellation of Aquarius is forming a mobilization angle with Mars and Jupiter, helping you unload the energy load you don't even know is tied to your bones. Teaching in recent months has been about understanding the effects of everyday habits and how they compound over time, for better or worse, depending on your choices. Since the New Year is only really starting this weekend, do those resolutions the day after the Aquarius New Moon or Uranus goes straight. New relationships can bloom and begin, and old ones can be transformed in this changing tide. As it relates to your path and purpose in life, new information and insights have been gathered in recent weeks, so you know better what you should strive for. Perhaps my favorite trend this month is when Mercury and Uranus combine in the last weekend of January under the zodiac signs, Capricorn and Taurus, producing some immediate results after sincere and dedicated efforts. After months of trying, pushing, and adjusting, you'll experience a sudden turnaround. With a boom, you go in, just like that. Oh, and what a delight it is to witness instant verification after months of grinding. It's like waking up one day and all your superfluous worries are gone.

Less gravity, more gravity!


Until recently, you didn't feel like you could say hello to the New Year and give it a look. Mars in action has been retrograde until January 12th, and your ruler, Mercury, has been retrograde, but stands up straight on Wednesday, January 18. Life is still going on in various ways, and you are still thinking about problems. Although Mars and Mercury are now going straight, they will resume the steps lost in retrograde, also known as crossing the shadows, so you do still have plenty of time to refine. It also shows that there are plenty of things you can do on your own, on your own time, so you feel better about where you're headed this year. On Saturday, January 21, the new Moon in Aquarius approaches, and Uranus is in Taurus, which is also a sign of earth, and after 5 months of retrograde, it will go straight the next day. This weekend becomes a turning point for you as all your hard work starts to pay off and your life may take off at a greater pace the next weekend, which surprises you. Mercury is currently forming a highly supportive angle with the northern node, which symbolizes your future, and forming stellar triparties with high-octave Uranus on the weekend of January 27, potentially involving an event that could be a catalyst for your future journey. At the very least, it can completely change those old psychological tapes that aren't real. I say "at least", but this inner change will most likely lead you to feel the "best" of what. What you think, you become.

Give golden wings to these ideas!


You're building something long-term, and it's an investment in the heart. Your ruler, Venus, is in the same air sign Aquarius and gains on Saturn and will form a new phase on Sunday, January 22. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, also went straight on that day after five months of retrograde. And the day before, the new moon in Aquarius breathes life into more life-changing nuances and environments, and the connections you make will open new doors. The mighty Pluto in the last few degrees of Capricorn will be within the deformation range of this lunar event, which means that some cause and effect is closing and something completely new is replacing it. On January 12, Mars in Gemini, also a wind sign, is now heading straight and will power this new moon, giving you the courage you need to take some potentially giant leaps. Mercury also goes straight on Wednesday, January 18 and forms a B line with the North Node, a sign of pulling you into the future. Simply put, it feels like "all systems are running". However, when it comes to responsibilities that need to be implemented, it may take time to start over. Planets that have been regressing need some time to speed up and cover where they have lost. However, a decision will be made, a breakthrough will be realized, and a feeling of excitement will fill the air. It's like finally deciding to leave a jobless job or a loveless marriage and knowing it's only a matter of time before something that's already running is in the rearview mirror. Mercury and Uranus end January with the best Earth triad, thanks to ensuring that the changes you need to see happen occur. Freedom beckons in the wind, and it is bound to fill your sails with exhilarating momentum.

Follow the cool breeze!


You can feel that a major shift in time is taking place. Your reality is shifting as new promises are being made that will increase your soul's journey. It feels like a graduation ceremony that is leading you into new territory. You may also have been feeling as if you had one foot in one world and one foot in another, as the action Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since late October and just settled directly on January 12. This can cause you to feel tangled or divided and not even sure how best to channel your energy. Mercury has also been retrograde in Capricorn, but went straight in on Wednesday, January 18, making things clearer as January progresses. Uranus, Mercury's high octave, has been retrograde for five months and will also be stationed directly on Sunday, February 22. This keeps you reliving old memories involving past relationships for months, so you can get a more objective picture of why things came the way they did and your role in them. But the position of the Aquarius New Moon with Mars and Jupiter on Saturday, January 21 is good, giving you a special compass to guide you into something beautiful and new. Mercury is dialed to the North Node to keep your soul in orbit and will pair up with Uranus in a fantastic way over the weekend of January 27. Relationships can change for the better, and new connections can pop up. Express yourself, voice your needs, and envision the best outcome it could lead to. This combination had enough energy to produce a reality with another person and felt a lot better than it is today.

Test it out and you'll know!


Retrograde trends inevitably reveal a larger perspective. It's like pulling back your range and allowing you to see the bigger picture, but it also allows you to work in those pockets of your past where things still feel unresolved. Retrograde gives you more time and space to explore deeper levels of yourself and how to better utilize these natural abilities within you. This could be a period of inward expansion, so when these retrograde planets make changes, you can appear in smarter places, better equipped for the path ahead. Mars in the constellation Gemini has been retrograde since late October, but is stationed straight again on January 12. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, has also been retrograde since late December, but moved straight in on Wednesday, January 18. Both planets produce the necessary slowdown, so you haven't overlooked something important in your path. Saturn, the star of commitment, is crossing Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, which has also been retrograde for five months and is stationed in a straight line this Sunday, January 22. Once the three planets go straight, every planet in the solar system will go straight for the next three months, breathing life into the way it moves at full speed. Let me reflect on the past three months in particular. What new information have you discovered about yourself? What do you discover about your inner desires that you feel drawn to fulfill? On Saturday, January 21, the new moon in Aquarius forms cooperative trichotomy with Mars in Gemini, indicating that there is a support team around you in the direction you are headed. It may also mean that new souls will soon emerge to share your passions and interests. Your ruler, Jupiter in Aries, is opening your heart to greater creative capacity that can expand your influence in the world, so be aware of the insight that may experience a sudden surge from another realm. Towards the end of January, the communication star Mercury gradually becomes super-strong as it moves into its tripartite phase with Uranus, the original planet. The idea of a star might fly like wildfire. Uranus will tell you what it's worth. Exciting career changes may follow. Imagine what the evolution of your soul looks like. Then work on a path that will make it unfold and then communicate what you want.

Before you know it, there may be steps that show up and suddenly tell you that it definitely works!


A little love can go a long way. In fact, even just sprinkling a drop can hit money when and where you least expect it. Loving Venus is in Aquarius and approaches your ruler Saturn on Sunday, January 22, forming a new phase conjunction. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, also moved directly on this day after 5 months of retrograde. We start our New Year on January 1 with three important planets retrograde. This does not allow for that feeling of entering into a new one. Mars in action finally went straight on January 12, while Mercury just moved straight in Capricorn on Wednesday, January 18. The new moon in Aquarius, helmed by Uranus, takes place this Saturday, January 21, and is filled with transformative energy and inspiring content. So why not make this weekend your New Year's launch as well? You need to be clear in the first three weeks of January what you can give and what you need in return fairly. Mercury makes a statement when going straight in Capricorn, saying that when you pick up the pen, it will further bind you, but it will also further protect you. Mercury is in harmony with the northern node, which symbolizes your destiny, and will form an electric tripartite with Uranus on the weekend of January 27, giving you welcome feedback that the promises you made are worth it. It's like owning a restaurant and bumping a nose at a quirky new employee, only to find out that less than a week later, she's turned your business into a city-wide conversation. A new hire's unique approach impresses food critics, and good reviews boost your reputation.

It can happen so fast!


Everywhere I go, it's about you, Aquarius. First of all, on Saturday, January 21, the new moon in your zodiac sign is approaching, start your birthday month with a wish and a new beginning. Mars in action in Gemini, the same wind sign, gives you the confidence to chase these desires, as well as embrace your unique contribution to the world, which will inevitably lead your soul forward. Pluto, located in late Capricorn, largely contributes to the metamorphosis effects of this new moon, giving the energy behind you a royal boost, so do what you can to free yourself from any fear or resistance so that this turn can be everything you need. Your ruler Uranus goes straight the next day after 5 months of retrograde. Lovely Venus is also in your zodiac sign Aquarius and forms a new phase with Saturn on Sunday, January 22. As we begin 2023, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus are all retrograde, which makes us all feel slow to enter rather than dive headlong into something new. Mars in action moved directly on Thursday, January 12, after beginning its retrograde motion in late October. Mercury is also settled directly on Wednesday, January 18, and Uranus is also on its way. All that said, Sunday feels like an exclamation point! Mercury in Capricorn continues to help you heal the past and move into the future that works best for you through its supportive position on the North Node. Mercury then forms emotionally liberating triparties with your ruler Uranus in the last days of January, resetting your sensory body and creating a springboard effect into a free future.

The power is with you, really, so take advantage of the charged vibration boost so you can travel at higher altitudes!


You're gradually feeling yourself entering the New Year as Mars, Mercury, and Uranus all retrograde as we begin 2023. Given that Mars is a planet in action, nothing may happen quickly. Add to that Mercury retrograde, and you've probably been rethinking your steps. Uranus is a brainstorming planet and the highest octave of Mercury, so exploring a radical new approach may also flash in your mind. Fortunately, Mars moved directly on January 12, Mercury on Wednesday, January 18, and Uranus followed on Sunday, January 22. This is the cosmic way, which means taking your time before you are sure, and paying attention to your steps. On Saturday, January 21, the new moon in Aquarius symbolizes a new beginning, but for you, it may involve a new dream of your own, safe and sound. Mars in action provides a passionate flame for your private thoughts, and the ignited emotion of thinking about what you envision is enough to get you excited. However, these aren't just some fantastical fires you're igniting, as Mercury in Capricorn is grounding you in reality with its supportive connection to the North Node, a symbol that pulls you into the future. Mercury goes all the way forward and then meets Uranus in the last days of January, heralding the possibility of something happening suddenly with a single sentence. A simple "hello" might be the key to opening a door. This pair inspires new connections with people who can help you develop in the direction you want. It may also amount to a sudden opportunity that comes with your conversation with someone, whether it's a friend or a stranger. It's similar to meeting someone on an airplane who knows the boss of an organization you'd love to join. One sentence can make a big difference.

What feels like a casual conversation can lead to a life-changing opportunity to pursue a dream!

Christine. Fontana biweekly horoscope Horoscope from January 18 to February 1

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