
Are Phalaenopsis orchids still blooming in your house? Come and learn how to raise it!

author:Bell Pavilion


Are Phalaenopsis orchids still blooming in your house? Come and learn how to raise it!

Well, you must need to take a look at the following farming methods now.

Phalaenopsis is an epiphyte, so its growth environment is relatively special. We need to understand the characteristics and growth environment of Phalaenopsis orchids to develop targeted conservation methods!

1. Choice of planting soil

Phalaenopsis has relatively high requirements for the drainage and water retention of planting materials. Therefore, the planting material for Phalaenopsis orchids should be used in combination with moss, bark, charcoal, moss, red jade clay and some slow-release fertilizer. Generally, most of the water moss on the market is matched. The shelf life of water moss is one to two years, so it should be replaced in time.

Are Phalaenopsis orchids still blooming in your house? Come and learn how to raise it!

Water moss

2. Hydrate in time

In winter, the indoor humidity in the north is low, plus factors such as floor heating. Timely hydration is required. In spring, Phalaenopsis is the peak growth period, so water supply should be sufficient. In summer, pay attention to ensure that the humidity of the whole plant is sprayed with water in time.

Are Phalaenopsis orchids still blooming in your house? Come and learn how to raise it!

3. Suitable lighting

Phalaenopsis orchids do not like strong light, so they are not suitable for breeding on sunny balconies and can be placed in living rooms and bedrooms with scattered light. In summer, avoid direct exposure to the foliage and cause sunburn.

Are Phalaenopsis orchids still blooming in your house? Come and learn how to raise it!

4. Good ventilation environment

For indoor breeding Phalaenopsis, more windows must be opened for ventilation to enhance air circulation. Especially after just watering, ensure that no water will accumulate in the planting material. Otherwise, rotten leaves, rotten roots will appear.

Are Phalaenopsis orchids still blooming in your house? Come and learn how to raise it!

5. Temperature control

Phalaenopsis orchids are suitable for growth between 20 and 28 degrees, and rotten roots will appear if the temperature is below 15 degrees. If the temperature is too high, it will affect the flowering period.

Are Phalaenopsis orchids still blooming in your house? Come and learn how to raise it!

6。 Appropriate fertilizer

When the flowering period has passed, cut off the peduncles. Apply compound fertilizer every half month or so. Fertilization can be reduced after the growth slows down. Until the next flowering period, stop supplementing nitrogen fertilizer and regularly use potassium dihydrogen phosphate to induce flowers. 2 to 3 times in a row can effectively promote flowering.

It should be noted that the natural flowering period of Phalaenopsis is between March and May, and the flowered Phalaenopsis we buy for the New Year are artificially induced, so they can be purchased normally.

Note: After the end of the flowering period, it is necessary to carry out a pot turning in time to change the soil, and prune the dead and rotten roots in time.

Here, I hope that the Phalaenopsis you buy can grow healthily!

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