
Love deep-sea fish, liver loves high-quality protein, stomach loves whole grains... Tell your body which food it prefers

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

Good health is a solid foundation of life, if there is no physical health everything goes to zero, but here is also intriguing, all say to maintain health care, prolong life, have you really done it?

Love deep-sea fish, liver loves high-quality protein, stomach loves whole grains... Tell your body which food it prefers

In addition to having a strong immune system to resist external invaders, viruses, and pathogens, it is also necessary to treat the tissues and organs that work for the body every day.

Especially in places where it is easy to be injured because of "illness from the mouth", choosing their preferred cuisine is the way to health.

Love deep-sea fish, liver loves high-quality protein, stomach loves whole grains... Tell your body which food it prefers

What to eat to protect the heart?

Autumn and winter is the season of high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially many middle-aged and elderly people, coupled with their own underlying diseases, are easily affected by cold and stimulate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There are also people who often work overtime and stay up late, which is an invisible blow to the heart.

Then please the heart to start from its preferred foods, such as delicious and healthy deep-sea fish, saury, salmon, tuna, multi-treasure fish, etc., rich in DHA and EPA, which are beneficial to clean up blood vessel metabolites and prevent risks such as atherosclerosis.

Love deep-sea fish, liver loves high-quality protein, stomach loves whole grains... Tell your body which food it prefers

What to eat to protect the liver?

The liver is the largest digestive gland of the human body, in daily life, it is responsible for the body's metabolism, detoxification, storage of nutrients and other work, and there is a saying that "nourishing the liver is equal to nourishing life". Once there is a problem with the liver, it is likely to be in the late stage, which is precisely because the liver is extremely tolerant, and the early symptoms are easy to be ignored, and everyone should pay more attention to it.

Eat a moderate amount of foods that the liver likes, such as high-quality protein that can help damaged liver cells repair, and its amino acid ratio is closest to that of the human body, thereby helping the liver reduce the burden. Foods rich in high-quality protein are also common, such as soy products, dairy products, peeled poultry, lean red meat, etc. are all good delicacies.

Love deep-sea fish, liver loves high-quality protein, stomach loves whole grains... Tell your body which food it prefers

What to eat to protect the stomach?

According to the top ten cancers in the mainland cancer deaths in 2020, stomach cancer is on the list, and can even be ranked in the top 3 positions, from the world's data, the mainland is also a big country for stomach cancer. If you want to reduce the damage to the stomach and enhance its physiological functions, it is recommended that you eat more whole grains.

Modern people's diet is too fine, too much staple food intake, resulting in coarse grains away from the table, without the protection of dietary fiber in coarse grains, people eat and drink without scruples, and the stomach is difficult to accept and is prone to various problems.

It is recommended that everyone eat foods preferred by the stomach, such as whole grains, whole grains, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, etc., which can exercise the gastrointestinal effect; Miscellaneous beans, black beans, red beans, kidney beans, mung beans, etc., promote gastrointestinal digestion, prevent constipation, and protect the stomach.

Love deep-sea fish, liver loves high-quality protein, stomach loves whole grains... Tell your body which food it prefers

What to eat to protect the lungs?

For people who already have breathing difficulties to protect lung health, in addition to moderate daily exercise, they should also be supplemented with nutritious fresh vegetables and fruits, such as kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, cantaloupe, grapes, bananas, dark leafy greens, celery, onions, etc.

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