
Countries of the World - Venezuela

author:Historical talk

Hello everyone, I'm Shidi Talk. Today I want to talk to you about Venezuela, a country that is as rich in oil as Saudi Arabia but not as rich as Saudi Arabia.

Venezuela, full name is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, located in the north of South America, north of the equator and south of 13° north latitude. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the north, Guyana to the east, Brazil to the south, and Colombia to the west. The land area is 916,400 square kilometers, and the total length of coastline is 2,813 kilometers.

Countries of the World - Venezuela

Map of Venezuela

The southern part of Venezuela is the Guiana plateau, and there is a plain in the southwest; The central part is the Orinoco Plain, and the coastal areas are undulating; To the northwest are the Peliga and Meliga mountains, with Lake Maracaibo in between. In short, the terrain is more complex and there is no uniform law.

The eastern and southern parts of Venezuela have a tropical rainforest climate. The western alpine region has a mountainous climate, and the rest has a savannah climate, with a hot climate and wet and dry seasons.

Kanema National Park in the Bolivar state of the southeast of the country is located in the Guiana Plateau, which has a large number of geological and natural attractions. Among them is the famous Angel Waterfall, with a drop of 979 meters, which is the largest waterfall in the world. The Orinoco River is the third largest river in South America, with a total length of 2,410 kilometers. Lake Maracaibo, located in the northwest, is the largest lake in South America, covering an area of 13,400 square kilometers, with a narrow opening to the Gulf of Venezuela in the north. The lake belongs to the coastal saltwater lake. The lake has a large amount of oil resources and is known as the Oil Lake.

Countries of the World - Venezuela

Angel Falls

Venezuela's population is 32.22 million (2019), with 58% of Mestizo Indo-Europeans, 29% whites, 11% blacks and 2% Indians. The official language is Spanish, and the capital is Caracas on the northern coast.

Venezuela is rich in mineral resources, especially oil, natural gas and other content. Oil reserves account for about 4% of the world's reserves, ranking first in Latin America. The country is also very rich in iron ore, manganese and other metal mineral resources. Industry is mainly based on oil exploitation and processing, and the oil industry is the lifeblood of the national economy.

Countries of the World - Venezuela

Venezuelan topography, hydrology and places of interest

Venezuela has a very high resource endowment, and using these God-given resources can achieve rapid development of the country. But Venezuela's level of economic development is nowhere near that of Saudi Arabia.

In fact, historically, Venezuela has also developed into a strong economic country in South America by relying on its own resources. But some measures and policies touched on the United States, which has always regarded the Americas as its own territory. On the one hand, the United States supports its own spokesperson in Venezuela, and on the other hand, suppresses anti-American forces. Under the sanctions and penetration of the United States, it is difficult for Venezuela to decide on measures that simply want to develop its economy with oil.

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