
Vietnam's implementation of the system of disclosure of officials' assets has added a tight curse to the fight against corruption.

author:Ligo laughed

To be honest, I am not interested in the country of Vietnam. The reason is that in the 60s, we in China once called them Vietnamese brothers, and in the process of resisting US aggression and aiding Vietnam, the mainland also sent out guns and materials to support them selflessly, and unexpectedly reproduced the stories of "Mr. Dongguo and the wolf" and "the farmer and the snake". After the Sino-Soviet war in the 70s, Vietnam became a small follower of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union had millions of troops in northern China, Vietnam deliberately created an incident on the front line of Lao Son on the mainland, and threatened to invade this land, and could not use the mainland to hold a huge self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam, although Vietnam was instigated, but after all, it also caused huge losses on the mainland, and now the dense mines on the Sino-Vietnamese border are still a headache. Later, Sino-Vietnamese relations improved, and Vietnam carried out thorough reforms, they followed the West's separation of powers, but still followed the socialist road, so the Vietnamese model may be a combination of China and the West. Recently, it has been reported that Vietnam has taken another step in fighting corruption, requiring officials to disclose their assets.

Vietnam's implementation of the system of disclosure of officials' assets has added a tight curse to the fight against corruption.

1. Vietnam is located in the central and eastern part of Southeast Asia surrounded by the sea on three sides, with a narrow area and an S-shaped narrow, bordering the mainland over Guangxi and Yunnan in the north and Laos and Cambodia in the west. The total area is 330,000 square kilometers, the population is 98.26 million (2021 statistics), and the country is divided into 58 provinces and 5 municipalities. Compared with Henan Province, which is only 167,000 square kilometers, it has a population of 98.83 million, which shows that Vietnam is sparsely populated. In ancient times, Vietnam was once a vassal state of the mainland, and later in the Yalta Agreement, President Roosevelt hoped to return Vietnam to China, but due to the French occupation, the Chinese government at that time did not agree to this request, so Vietnam declared independence on September 2, 1945, establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, but there is still a South Vietnamese regime controlled by the United States in North Vietnam, and in 1961 there was a war between North and South Vietnam, and China strongly supported the anti-American struggle in South Vietnam led by President Ho Chi Minh.

Vietnam's implementation of the system of disclosure of officials' assets has added a tight curse to the fight against corruption.

It is said that later, in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, a large amount of grain was captured, the bag was printed with the words "Made in China", and some weapons were also made in China, so Vietnam did not do exactly what it did, just like Mr. Wolf in the ancient Chinese story of "Mr. Dongguo and Wolf", and the snake lady in "Farmer and Snake". After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vietnam lost its asylum and embarked on the road of self-development, learning from us to carry out reform and opening up, but they incorporated the Western system to engage in the three-power system, which is said to be effective in preventing personal autocracy.

Vietnam's implementation of the system of disclosure of officials' assets has added a tight curse to the fight against corruption.

Now 137 countries in the world have implemented this system, Vietnam is the 138th, from the operation of recent years, personal property disclosure system can effectively avoid official corruption. Vietnam's property disclosure system stipulates that embezzlement of more than 300 yuan will be arrested, more than 60,000 will be sentenced to death, the middle according to different amounts of corruption to sentence different sentences, so Vietnamese officials have a tight curse, to January ~ March every year to announce their property in the party's public journals or social bulletin boards, once the masses find that the income and property do not match, they may be reported, and the sentenced officials will not be commuted, which can effectively deter corruption crimes. It seems that the property disclosure system is a good system worth learning from.

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