
Ali Unreasonable Thirteen: Jack Ma! The purpose is not to serve the masses, but ...

author:Blue skies feed the earth


In addition to Taobao, Alipay is also a major work of Jack Ma, if Taobao has changed our shopping model, then Alipay has changed our payment model, since the emergence and popularity of mobile payment, most of the Chinese people have begun to turn to this more novel payment method, although now WeChat Pay is a major opponent of Alipay, but they can also go hand in hand, Alipay still shows strong development vitality.

With the continuous improvement of Alipay's functions, Alipay has also become one of the must-have apps in everyone's mobile phones. Judging from these achievements of Ma Yun, he deserves to be respected by the public, but the problem is that Ma Yun later fluttered and said a lot of things that were not understood.

Ali Unreasonable Thirteen: Jack Ma! The purpose is not to serve the masses, but ...

Because he served as a people's teacher in the early years, Ma Yun is also very good at speaking everywhere after going to success, in the speech issue, he has always had a very high talent, at the beginning many people are still full of expectations for Ma Yun's speech, listening to his speech can understand a lot of things they have not understood, but also can guide their future, but the so-called too much must be lost, perhaps because Ma Yun lost himself in this kind of star-studded moon In a speech, Ma Yun actually said "996 is a blessing for young people"???

Even if Ma Yun has indeed established a voice in the hearts of the people over the years, a good reputation and image, but he will let the hated "996" call it a blessing for young people, which is unacceptable to everyone, even though Ma Yun is a rich and successful person, his words still cannot be recognized by everyone.

Ali Unreasonable Thirteen: Jack Ma! The purpose is not to serve the masses, but ...

At the same time, more and more people began to discover the true face of Ma Yun, although he has outstanding achievements in the business field and has a lot of wealth, but this still cannot be changed, Ma Yun is essentially the essence of a capitalist, and most of the wealth he obtains comes from the oppression of working people.

In addition to the words that 996 is a blessing that arouses the public, Ma Yun's "advanced consumption function in Alipay has also made many people addicted to it, and even buried hidden dangers for the development of young people, from a business point of view, Ma Yun is successful, but from the perspective of contribution to society, Ma Yun is a double-edged sword.

Ali Unreasonable Thirteen: Jack Ma! The purpose is not to serve the masses, but ...

Previously, People's Daily published an article commenting on Ma Yun's practice, and People's Daily sharply pointed out that Ma Yun created Ant Financial to serve the people at all, his purpose is to squeeze the masses of the people, through this means to continuously stimulate the people's desire for advanced consumption, and then charge interest.

In addition, everyone also angrily criticized the rapid development of Ant Financial, disrupting the normal order of the market, if it cannot be improved, it will also have a greater impact on the local economic development, so the relevant departments interviewed Ma Yun and the person in charge of Ant Financial.


Any person's development must be accompanied by controversy and doubt, but if a person's development controversy is greater than his recognition, then he should look for reasons from himself.


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