
Yibang trivia: Is it OK to soak black goji berries with hot water from the water dispenser Will boiling water bubble black goji berries fail

author:OneNation Health

Black goji berries have high nutritional value, so I bought a bag of water just in winter to drink, and can warm up and health, kill two birds with one stone, but I don't know if black goji berries can be drunk with hot water from the water dispenser?

Yibang trivia: Is it OK to soak black goji berries with hot water from the water dispenser Will boiling water bubble black goji berries fail

Is it OK to soak black goji berries in hot water from a water dispenser?

It is not recommended to soak directly with the hot water of the water dispenser.

There is no specific standard for the hot water temperature of the water dispenser, generally look at the protection range of the thermostat, the temperature setting should be at least 85 ° C above, if directly used to soak black goji berries, black goji berries, anthocyanins in hot water above 60 ° C are destroyed, although hot water soaks black goji berries fast, but nutrient loss is also fast, so it is not recommended to directly use hot water in the water dispenser.

It is best to use 50-60 ° C warm water bubbles, you can mix the hot water of the water dispenser with an appropriate amount of cold water to drink, when soaking, you can see that the lilac, dark purple, purple red anthocyanins gradually dissolved into the water, not only beautiful but also nutrients do not lose.

Yibang trivia: Is it OK to soak black goji berries with hot water from the water dispenser Will boiling water bubble black goji berries fail

Will boiling blister black goji berries fail

It will not fail completely.

The anthocyanins in black goji berries, after soaking in boiling water, the effective ingredients will be inactivated, but in addition to these active nutrients will be ineffective, other nutrients contained in black goji berries, such as: goji berry polysaccharides, amino acids, proteins, vitamins and calcium, iron, zinc, etc. are still there, after drinking, it can still play the corresponding kidney tonic and essence, enhance resistance and other effects, but the nutritional effect is not so good.

How to soak black goji berries best

The method of soaking black goji berries is actually very simple, the specific operation is as follows:

1. Take out the glass, do not use a plastic cup, so as not to have taste, wash the cup.

2. Then put about 500ml of water at about 60 degrees.

3. After rinsing two grams or about 15 black goji berries, put them in a cup and wait for 5 minutes before continuing to drink.

4. When drinking 1/3, you can add warm water again to brew until the black goji berries are drunk until they have no color.

5. You can also add some honey to black goji berries, which can not only improve the taste, but also moisturize the intestines, beauty and beauty, and improve fatigue.

Yibang trivia: Is it OK to soak black goji berries with hot water from the water dispenser Will boiling water bubble black goji berries fail

How many black goji berries are soaked at a time

Medium-sized goji berries can be soaked about 10-20 capsules at a time.

Under normal circumstances, oral administration of black goji berries will not produce side effects, but if you take too much at one time, and it is easy to have side effects for too long, it is best to take a small amount when drinking in water.

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