
Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

author:Xi'an Dong Chief Imam Gao

Recently, some netizens met Yao Ming's family by chance. Yao Ming's daughter is very tall, standing with her 1.9 meter mother Ye Li and looking almost the same height.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Source丨Weibo video screenshot

Indeed, our height is largely determined by innate genes.

However, being short does not mean that children are necessarily short.

Today, let's talk about how much "voice" is there in congenital heredity and acquired factors?

How can we people of ordinary height help our children break through genetic limitations and grow taller?

Of course, I am also here to provide you with a clinical assessment scale for children commonly used in short stature, parents fill in and submit according to the actual situation of their children, and there will be professional pediatricians to answer for you for free.

Congenital conditions that affect height

Seven days are destined

60%-70% of human height is determined by genetics, and genetic factors regulate the growth and development of children through enzyme activity and endocrine function.

Therefore, clinically, the height of parents is often used to predict the genetic height of children.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Use parental height to predict a child's genetic height

It should be noted that genetic height is not absolute, because acquired environmental factors and disease factors will also affect the actual height development of children.

The most accurate way to predict adult height is by assessing bone age.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

What is bone age?

Acquired factors that affect height

Three points rely on hard work

The authoritative medical journal The Lancet has published research on the height of adolescents around the world, covering 65 million adolescents and children in 193 countries around the world.

One thing that is particularly noteworthy in the results is the change in average height.

For example, from 1985 to 2019, the average height of Chinese men increased by 9 cm, and women's net height ranked first in East Asia.


Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

The average height of Chinese men increased the most in the world


Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Chinese women ranked third in height increase

Over the past 30 years, genetic factors have not changed much, so the reason for the sharp increase in average height is the improvement of external nutritional conditions.

Since the reform and opening up, the mainland's living standards and medical standards have been greatly improved, so many children's nutrition has been adequately supplemented, and on average, their height has increased significantly.

But why is the overall average height increasing, and are there still many children shorter than their peers?

Because height change is a developmental process, it will be affected by the acquired environment such as diet, exercise, sleep and many other aspects.

If these factors do not achieve the ideal state, then the height cannot reach the ideal state.

In the same way, solving these influencing factors, your child's height will also rise.


Movement factors

Reasonable exercise can stimulate the secretion of growth hormone, promote the formation and development of bones, increase bone length, and also increase appetite and improve sleep, so as to maximize genetic potential.

The World Health Organization believes that children and adolescents aged 5~17 should accumulate 1 hour of moderate to high-intensity physical activity every day, at least 3 times a week.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

I would encourage my child to clock in and exercise

My child clocks in from time to time every day, and I will encourage my child to keep going.


Dietary factors

Now we will not have the whole family without enough to eat and not see meat for a year, as before.

Instead, we eat too much and even leave our children with messy supplements. Children appear to grow faster in the short term.

However, excess nutrition and pro-development ingredients in supplements will disrupt the normal endocrine environment in the body, causing diseases such as obesity and precocious puberty, leading to early development and early closure of the epiphysis.

This is tantamount to pulling out seedlings and promoting growth, resulting in a height that is inferior to other children, or even the height that they originally have the potential to achieve.

The price of this kind of speed is great!

Comprehensive and balanced nutrition is the material basis for growth.

The growth and development of children not only needs enough calories, but also high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Dietary recommendations for school-age children aged 6-17 years


Disease factors

Growth hormone deficiency, precocious puberty, idiopathic short stature (ISS), thyroid hormone deficiency, chromosomal disorders, skeletal system diseases, small-for-gestational-age infants, etc. can also affect the growth of children.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Factors that affect your child's height

Parents can insist on height management for their children and record their growth and development every year. In the event of abnormalities, such as a growth rate lower than that of peers, it is recommended to seek medical help in time.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Common features of short stature in children


Sleep factor

Now children have high study pressure and less sleep time.

Growth hormone, which plays an important role in the child's height, is secreted 3 times more during deep sleep at night than during the day.

Therefore, while studying, we should also try to ensure adequate and high-quality sleep.

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Sleep duration standards


Psychological factors

Bad emotions can inhibit the pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone, causing growth retardation in children, also known as psychopsychological short stature.

Creating a relaxed and harmonious family environment is also conducive to children's growth!

Yao Ming's daughter is 12 years old and 1.9 meters tall! In addition to genetics, master these 5 points and make the child grow 10cm longer

Cooperate with the Department of Psychology to conduct psychological analysis and counseling for hospitalized children and parents, and interact on the spot, which is well received by parents!

That's it for today's sharing. Growing taller requires accumulation every day, let's work together!


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