
American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

author:Aoyama is white because of the snow

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American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long


Today I want to introduce American mint, which can bloom beautiful red, pink, purple or white flowers, with a long flowering period, is more popular all over the world, not only suitable for home cultivation and ornamentation, but also suitable for the cultivation and beautification of flowers and parks.

American mint also has edible and medicinal properties and is worthy of widespread promotion and cultivation.

American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

Introduction to plants

American mint (scientific name: Monarda didyma L.): also known as horsenip, is an annual herbaceous plant 100-120 cm tall, with an erect, quadrangular stem, thin leaf texture, opposite, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, pubescent on the back, and serrated margins.

Flowers densely on the top of the stem, sepals slender, corolla 5 cm long, flower clusters born at the top of the stem, corolla tubular, light purplish-red, leaf aromatic;

American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long
American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

Ecological habits

American mint loves warmth and will have a certain degree of cold resistance, and the northern part of the mainland can winter in the open field without other protective measures. It likes sunlight, but it is also slightly shade-tolerant, and if the light is insufficient, the plant tends to grow and the branches become thin and weak.

The hot summer south of the Yellow River needs proper shade, otherwise it is easy to scorch the leaves, American mint likes moist soil, poor drought resistance, pay attention to moisturizing in North China.

American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long


Garden ornamental value

American mint is a relatively niche ornamental flower, beautiful and colorful, popular all over the world, can produce bright red, pink, fuchsia or white flowers.

Moreover, the amount of flowering is relatively large, the flowering period is relatively long, and the leaves also have a fragrant fragrance, which is quite worth planting.

It is often used as a flower material to arrange the flower landscape, and it can also be viewed in pots. Fragrant branches and leaves, suitable for planting in natural gardens or planted under forests, watersides, or planted in pools and streams as background materials.

At the same time, it can also be potted for ornamental and used for fresh cut flowers, beautifying and decorating the environment. At the turn of summer and autumn, the brightly colored flowers attract the most attention. As ornamental plants, bird-attracting plants and nectar plants, they are often planted in flower beds for ornamental purposes, and also attract hummingbirds and pollinating insects to come and feed.

American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long


American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

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American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long


American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

Edible value

American mint was introduced to Europe about 300 years ago and has been cultivated for more than 200 years, and has long been cultivated as a spice.

American mint can be used as a sauce, vinegar, vegetable, dessert, or made into candy, and peppermint oil has a cooling and refreshing effect. It can also be used for the flavoring of beverages, toothpaste, and medicines.

Dried American mint leaves can be used to make tea and as an aromatherapy herb, and the aroma is similar to that of bergamot, with only minor differences.

American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

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American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

Medicinal value

The leaves can be used for medicinal purposes, first kneading the leaves, and then adding hot boiled water to soak as tea, because the roots contain aromatic oils, these oils can prevent the invasion of underground pests, and sometimes are also interplanted around some small vegetable crops to reduce pests.

American mint gives off a refreshing aroma. Its aroma is composed of menthone, menthol, camphor terpenes, lemon terpenes, etc., which have the effect of calming the mind, relieving stress, boosting the spirit, sterilizing and strengthening the body. [3]

American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

In addition, if you plant some American mint in the yard or balcony, you can also attract butterflies and bees to pollinate. In autumn, some birds are also attracted.

American mint: produces beautiful red, pink, and purple flowers! The flowering period is also long

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