
Long-term insistence on drinking lemonade, what benefits will appear in the body? See if there's you in this?

author:Dr. Lee popularized science

Lemon is a very common but extraordinary fruit, and when many people mention it, they feel that their facial expressions are distorted. Lemon juice is rich in sour and astringent flavors that few people eat directly, and it is used to make various drinks or as a cooking sauce.

If you can eat and drink lemons in moderation in daily life, to a certain extent may bring certain benefits to the body, however, many people can not accept the sour taste of lemons, if you can not eat lemons directly, you can eat lemon slices, soaked in honey, which can not only supplement the water needed by the body, but also allow the body to get nutrients from lemons.

Long-term insistence on drinking lemonade, what benefits will appear in the body? See if there's you in this?

The efficacy of lemons

1. Supplement nutrition

Lemons contain vitamin C, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, citric acid, potassium and other nutrients, so drinking lemon water can supplement the nutrients needed by the body and be beneficial to the human body.

2. Nourish and quench thirst

Lemon water can replenish the water needed by the body, has the effect of nourishing and quenching thirst, and is suitable for drinking in the hot summer season.

3. Strengthen the stomach and eliminate food

Lemon water contains acidic substances and has a special fragrance, which helps to increase appetite and promote food digestion, which is suitable for people with low appetite.

Long-term insistence on drinking lemonade, what benefits will appear in the body? See if there's you in this?

However, lemon water should not be drunk on an empty stomach, and patients with excessive gastric acid secretion, heartburn and gastric ulcer should not drink lemon water, otherwise it is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Stick to drinking lemonade for a long time, what benefits will appear in the body

Slows down aging

Vitamin C contained in lemon can promote collagen synthesis, has anti-aging effects, can delay skin aging, and prevent wrinkles. In addition to vitamin C, lemon water can also replenish moisture, which is also very helpful for improving skin conditions.

Long-term insistence on drinking lemonade, what benefits will appear in the body? See if there's you in this?

Strengthens human immunity

The vitamin C content in lemons is much higher than that of other fruits, which leads to lemons that can help the body improve immunity.

This is because vitamin C can help cells reduce damage from free radicals, and the body will not have problems at will. Enhance the body's immunity and improve physical fitness.

Should lemonade be soaked in hot or cold water?

When soaking lemonade, if cold water is used, its fragrance may not ooze well; If you use hot water, you can better extract the essential oils contained in the lemon peel weight, but the sour and bitter taste will also be slightly heavier.

Many people worry that soaking lemonade in hot water will destroy the vitamin C in lemons, because lemons are more acidic, vitamin C has good heat resistance under acidic conditions, as long as the hot water temperature does not exceed 60 degrees Celsius, it will basically not destroy the vitamin C contained inside.

Long-term insistence on drinking lemonade, what benefits will appear in the body? See if there's you in this?

The most correct way to brew lemonade should be to soak it in hot water first, let it cool and then refrigerate it for a while, at this time the lemonade drunk is both nutritious and tastes more elegant.

When soaking lemonade, slice together with the peel, the thinner the better, so that it is easier to brew lemon essential oil and flavonoids in the lemon peel, and the aroma of lemonade will be stronger. At the same time, it is best to remove the lemon seeds, so that the limonin in the lemon seeds is not released into the water, and the lemonade will not taste bitter.

Who is not suitable for drinking lemonade?

1. People suffering from dental caries

Lemons are more acidic and easily corrode the enamel on the surface of the teeth, so people with dental caries problems should not drink lemon water. Lemonade is good for the body so it can be drunk normally, but it is not recommended for children who have dental caries or are teething.

Long-term insistence on drinking lemonade, what benefits will appear in the body? See if there's you in this?

2. People with gastrointestinal ulcers

Lemon water flavor acid, in the lemon pulp contains more acidic substances, acid will stimulate gastric acid secretion, moderate drinking lemon water can promote food digestion, improve indigestion symptoms. 、

However, people with gastrointestinal ulcers already have excessive gastric acid secretion, and if you drink a lot of lemon water, it will aggravate the irritation of the ulcer surface, which will lead to aggravation of the disease.

3. People who are pregnant

Pregnant people are not unable to eat lemons, but when eating, pay attention to the right method, can not eat lemons on an empty stomach, it is better to eat lemon water, can help their own skin, make the skin smoother.

Long-term insistence on drinking lemonade, what benefits will appear in the body? See if there's you in this?

Read more – Is it OK to drink lemonade overnight?

It is okay at the right temperature, and if it is stored in the refrigerator overnight, there is no problem. If the temperature is higher than 25 degrees overnight when stored, it should not be drunk.

Overnight lemonade can generally be drunk if properly stored, pollution-free, and will not deteriorate, but over time, nutrients such as vitamin C and folic acid will be oxidized and lost

Therefore, it is best to drink lemon water on the same day, in high temperature, high air humidity or dusty environment, bacteria can easily breed and spoil, so it is not recommended to drink this overnight lemonade to avoid diarrhea and other symptoms.

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