
#What is it like to have more than two cats#My daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities: the eldest is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, and when it opens its eyes, it is my daughter, so

author:The spring blossoms of dreamy wisdom

#What is it like to have more than two cats#

The daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities:

The boss is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, as soon as it opens its eyes and sees my daughter, so I treat her as a mother, especially sticky her, every night when the daughter is about to leave work, they sit on the chair and stare at the opposite door, hear the sound of them going up the stairs will immediately run to the door to greet, as long as the daughter is at home, where to follow and where, and then the daughter has adopted four cats one after another, it has become a big sister, good things only it has eaten, other cats dare to come and eat, when sleeping it also wants the best place, Other cats are really afraid of it!

The second is just an orange blossom cat, called a orange, which was picked up by the employees of her daughter's company on the side of the road when she went to work, and it was just a full moon! My daughter took photos of me to show me, really cute with a pair of cute eyes, my daughter left it for the tanuki as companions, it was afraid of the beaver at first, hiding under the table and did not dare to come out, and after a few days came out, it was very slippery and sliding, and sometimes massaged the beaver, and let the boss everywhere.

The third cat is a cow cat, which was entrusted to her by a Taiwanese friend of her daughter to take care of her for a few days after the Spring Festival, but did not expect that after the epidemic that year, the friend never came back in Taiwan, and the daughter had to take on the responsibility of support, this cat is docile and a little silly, does not eat the imported cat food left by its owner, has to rob the local with other cats, and is not picky eaters to what to eat, so it is particularly fat, everyone is named fat fat.

The fourth cat and the fifth cat were abandoned by others at the door of their daughter's company, seeing their two kittens tightly squeezed together, frozen to the core, the daughter adopted them, after taking them home, afraid that other cats would bully them, they put them upstairs, the two cute kittens obediently stayed in the house during the day silently, sleeping quietly, but at night sometimes they would jump up and down to play for a while.

#What is it like to have more than two cats#My daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities: the eldest is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, and when it opens its eyes, it is my daughter, so
#What is it like to have more than two cats#My daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities: the eldest is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, and when it opens its eyes, it is my daughter, so
#What is it like to have more than two cats#My daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities: the eldest is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, and when it opens its eyes, it is my daughter, so
#What is it like to have more than two cats#My daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities: the eldest is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, and when it opens its eyes, it is my daughter, so
#What is it like to have more than two cats#My daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities: the eldest is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, and when it opens its eyes, it is my daughter, so
#What is it like to have more than two cats#My daughter's family has adopted five cats with different personalities: the eldest is a tanuki, just call it a tanuki, and when it opens its eyes, it is my daughter, so

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