
20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

author:Ecuadorian Times
20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Although Ecuador is a small country, its natural culture, history, and language are unique and worth exploring.

Ecuador, which values nature and culture, has the Andes Mountains and the Amazon rainforest, which were once well-known landmarks in junior high school geography textbooks, and can be found in Ecuador.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Today Pumpkin-Jun introduces 20 interesting facts about Ecuador, and after reading the "Guagua Fun Facts Series", you will definitely be more interested in this small South American country!

Ruled by Peru and Spain

Ecuador was ruled by Peru for 300 years and then by the Spaniards, who brought their religion, architecture, and language to Ecuador. Ecuadorians struggled for more than a decade before they completely freed themselves from Spanish rule in 1822, but Spain had a profound influence on the region.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Once part of "Gran Colombia"

Latin American revolutionary Simón Bolívar, also known as El Libertador, united Ecuador with territories that are now part of Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama. Between 1819 and 1830, the area was known as La Gran Colombia.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

It was selected as one of the first World Heritage Sites

There are only 12 of the world's first World Heritage sites, two of which are in Ecuador. In 1978, UNESCO listed the Galapagos Islands and the Old Town of Quito as World Heritage Sites, making it a total of only 12 sites in the world.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Four unique geographical regions

Ecuador has four unique geographical regions that contribute to the economy of Guagua in different ways, they are:

Mountain highlands, La Sierra

Coastal lowlands, La Costa

Galapagos Islands, La Región Insular

Eastern jungle lowlands, La Amazonia o El Oriente

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Two different forms of family

Residents of Ecuador can form a family in two forms, the first is the traditional way, that is, a civil marriage in which two people are bound by law. The second is "free association", in which a couple cohabits together without formal marriage to form a family, and both have the same duties and rights.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Countries straddling the northern and southern hemispheres

Ecuador is home to the Ciudad Mitad del Mundo, the only country in Latin America that can be in both the northern and southern hemispheres. 26 kilometers north of the capital Quito, there is a marking, where you can stand with one foot in the southern hemisphere and the other in the northern hemisphere.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

The country closest to space

Since the Earth is not a perfect sphere, and due to its rotation, it protrudes towards the equator. This is why Mount Chimborazo is the highest point closest to outer space on Earth's solid surface, and due to the equatorial bulge, Mount Chimborazo is actually 2.41 kilometers higher than Mount Everest.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

There are scientific research stations in Antarctica

The Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1958 to regulate the activities of nations in Antarctica, was signed by 12 countries and now grows to 54. Ecuador is one of them, which has its own scientific research facilities in Antarctica.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Giving nature constitutional rights

Ecuador was the first country to declare that nature should have constitutional rights. Ecuador recognized in 2008 that nature has the right to exist, continue and regenerate its life cycle without human intervention, and Mother Earth "Pachamama" has this right.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

It has more than 9,000 species

With 20 islands and islets, the Galapagos Islands (Colon Islands) are the main attraction of Ecuador and it is one of the most unique destinations in the world, home to more than 9,000 species. Ecuadorian law stipulates that local residents and tourists must protect the island's environment.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Where Darwin has been

British biologist Charles Darwin spent five weeks in the Galapagos Islands during the HMS Beagle voyage. He observed flora and fauna, noting that the beaks of local birds varied depending on the environment and the food they ate, findings that underpinned the evolutionary theory of On the Origin of Species.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Home to the largest turtle in the world

The Galapagos tortoise is an iconic animal of the Galapagos Islands and the largest living tortoise in the world. This turtle weighs more than 408 kg and can reach a height of 1.5 meters. Fifteen species of tortoises have been identified on the island, but unfortunately four of them are extinct.

The "national tree" of guagua can cure diseases

The cinchona tree is Ecuador's fruit tree, a unique national tree that has more than 20 varieties of flowering plants. It can grow up to 50 feet, and the bark produces quinine, the first known treatment for malaria, as well as bloating, leg cramps and stomach problems.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

"National treasure" Andean condor

Ecuador's national bird, the Andean condor, belongs to the family Condor and has been Ecuador's national animal since 1958. With an average weight of 7 kilograms and a wingspan of 3 meters, it is the largest bird in the world and must be kept out for if traveling to the Andes.

There are only two seasons throughout the year

Ecuador has only summer and winter, winter from June to September and summer from October to May. Much of Ecuador is located in the southern part of the hemisphere, which is why its winters are a little colder than people think. Winters are dry and cold, and summers are warm and wet.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

It rarely snows in Ecuador

Since winters in Ecuador are colder than one might expect, it occasionally snows. Although snow is not common in Ecuador, the exception is the snowy peak of Chimborazo, an extinct cone-shaped volcano at 6,268 meters above sea level that is covered in snow all year round.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

The highest point is Mount Chimborazo

Although Mount Chimborazo at an altitude of 6310 is not a very high snowy mountain, its remoteness from the center of the earth is enough to make it one of the most famous snow-capped mountains in the world, attracting a large number of mountaineers every year. In 1880, British mountaineer E-Waiber first climbed the summit.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

Produces Panama hats

The famous Panama hat, known to Ecuadorians as the Ecuadorian hat, is actually made in Ecuador. Coastal artisans knitted straw hats for workers on the Panama Canal to protect them from the sun. After the Panama Canal was built, this straw hat was still popular with workers and tourists.

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!

The official currency of Guagua is the US dollar

Throughout history, waves of migration and invasion forces have had a strong impact on Ecuador. Initially there were only indigenous tribes here, but when the Spanish invaded in the 1500s, Ecuador received immigrants from Italy and the United States. Ecuador's official currency is the US dollar.

The world's largest exporter of bananas

While several Latin American countries are banana exporters, Ecuador is king! Ecuador exports 25% of the world's banana exports!

20 interesting facts about Ecuador, this small South American country has a personality!
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