
He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

author:Straight beam Me
He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

Life choices are often linked together, and when we do that thing now, we don't think about what it will be.

But looking back, you see that the choices you made were so important to today's achievements...

If Jobs hadn't gone to calligraphy class, he wouldn't have had such a beautiful font as a personal computer; If Zuckerberg hadn't dropped out of school to start a business, there wouldn't be the Facebook it is today; If Li Ka-shing had not fled to Hong Kong, he might not have today's "Li Chaoren".

Of course, if Mikhail Brin had not overcome the difficulties to immigrate to the United States with his family after being exposed to American culture, there would be no Google today.

Sergei Brin's father, Mikhail Brin, once said:

"I didn't think Brin would create Google, I just wanted him to get his Ph.D. and become a useful person for society." Of course, it's better to be a professor like me. ”

An act of immigration by this great father raised the founder of this great company. To this day, Google remains one of America's greatest companies.

So today, Xiaomei will talk with you about the story of Google founder Sergey Brin's father who led his family to immigrate to the United States.

He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

01. Go wherever it is more suitable for your own survival

Mikhail Brin, a Soviet Jew and mathematician, graduated from Moscow State University.

Originally, Mikhail's ideal was to be an astrophysicist, but the Soviet physics research department could not let Jews in.

"In reality, the USSR excluded Jews from high-level professionals, and Jews were therefore ostracized by the physics department ..."

As a last resort, he had to change his career to become a mathematician.

But even though he majored in mathematics, his excellent grades were not noticed by the institute, simply because of his Jewish identity.

He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

Mikhail Brin

This kind of thing was normal in the Soviet Union at that time, so Mikhail had nothing to complain about.

But a field trip abroad completely shakes his faith.

Mikhail went to Poland to attend an international academic symposium, at which he met experts from the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain.

Originally, his job was specifically to calculate that the standard of living of the Soviets was much higher than that of the Americans.

In this conversation with foreign experts, he found that foreign mathematicians never do their boring calculations. "My research is a monster to them," was Mikhail Brin's biggest shock.

On the one hand, he was unable to engage in his real favorite profession in the USSR, and on the other hand, his greatest achievement was to calculate these boring data that seemed completely meaningless to other scientists.

Mikhail couldn't help but wonder, why should I be confined to this kind of place all my life?

He thinks of his children, does not want him to follow his old path again, does not want his son to receive such an education from an early age, and grows up to do such a job.

Therefore, Mikhail made up his mind to leave the USSR and emigrate to the United States.

He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

02. Bring your child to the United States against all odds

In those days, it was far less easy to immigrate than it is today. Sergey's father, Mikhail, paid a huge price for this.

Just like many of the counseling cases we accept now, many of them are couples who want to immigrate to live abroad, and the other is unwilling to immigrate out, and no one is willing to compromise, and finally wastes time and misses the golden period of children's education.

Sergei's father also faced such a pull, but fortunately, in the end, his wife was convinced by him.

But the mother was reluctant to leave the place where Moscow had lived for decades.

What is even more unacceptable is that after the immigration bureau submitted his immigration application, Mikhail was quickly laid off, and his wife lost her job as a school teacher.

For a moment, they were like duckweeds in the Soviet Union, living by doing odd jobs every day in anxiety, waiting for visas that they didn't know when they would come down.

It is conceivable that if the USSR did not approve it, then they could neither go to the United States nor find stable work in the USSR, and the fate of their entire family would have sunk from there.

He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

Childhood Sergey Brin and father

Fortunately, this ordeal did not last long, and after 8 months, the family's visa came down. In May 1979, Mikhail Brin immigrated to the United States with his wife and 6-year-old son.

After coming to the United States, Mikhail Brin taught mathematics at the University of Maryland, and his wife Evgenia worked for NASA's flight center, and Sergey Brin began formal school.

Twenty years later, Mikhail's son founded a company in the United States with his doctoral classmates called Google. He is the founder of Google - Sergey Brin.


There is a folk saying: dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the son of a mouse will make holes.

Many parents hope that their children will become dragons and daughters become phoenixes, and they have also put a lot of effort into their children on the road of education. But sometimes, the effect is far from ideal.

What is the reason? Let's take a look at the growth of Google's founders and maybe find some answers.

First of all, it is the edification of family culture and the subtle behavior of parents.

Because he graduated from a top school and is a scientist, Mikhail and his wife have attached great importance to the cultivation of children since childhood, so the knowledge of Sergei Brin in childhood far exceeds that of his peers.

When he was in the first grade of elementary school, Sergei submitted a design for a computer printout to the teacher, and the teacher was calmed on the spot.

He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

Sergey Brin as a child

Secondly, Mikhail Brin is very willing to invest in the education of his children.

At that time, personal computers were just getting started, and the price of a computer was not cheap, but Sergey Brin owned a computer completely his own at the age of 9.

It was a birthday present from his father and sold for $600.

$600 was not a small amount in those days, which shows Sergei's father's vision and emphasis on education.

As a result, Sergey came into contact with computers earlier than his peers, which undoubtedly laid a very solid foundation for his later creation of Google.

He cursed the United States for half his life, but finally immigrated to the United States with his whole family

Sergey Brin and his classmates created Google in a garage

Third, the United States has an open social environment and abundant educational resources.

If my father's most important decision about Sergei's life, it should be to immigrate to the United States.

There is no doubt that the United States is tolerant of Jews, open social environment, abundant educational resources, and emphasis on the power of science... All created the preconditions for Sergey to create Google.

For his son to become the world's largest search engine founder and worth more than $40 billion business tycoon, father Mikhail Brin was a little surprised.

I thought, if Mikhail Brin had stayed in the USSR and not gone to the United States, what would his baby son Sergei Brin be like now?

Maybe he will grow into a very good person, but in most cases, he will not be able to create Google.

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