
[Obviously they look alike, 1 is called "cherry", 1 is called "cherry", what is the relationship between the two? ] It is recommended that when buying fruits in winter, you should distinguish between "cherries" and "cherries"

author:Jellyfish hotspots online

[Obviously they look alike, 1 is called "cherry", 1 is called "cherry", what is the relationship between the two? ] It is recommended that when you buy fruits in winter, you should distinguish between "cherries" and "cherries", the difference is quite large, understand and then pay for it.

1. The varieties are different

Cherries belong to European sweet cherry cultivars, and most of the cherries currently sold in the domestic market are imported fruits, mainly imported from some American countries. Among the cherries produced in China, mainly cherry and hairy cherry varieties are the main ones. Generally speaking, domestically produced cherries will be collectively referred to as "cherries", and there is a name difference between imported cherries and cherries.

2. The appearance is different

From the appearance is still very good to distinguish cherries and cherries, one dark color, the other light color; One is bigger, the other is smaller.

3. The taste is different

Cherries are relatively sweet to eat, firm and chewy, rich in juice, and particularly sweet, basically belonging to the pure sweet taste. Cherries taste softer, the texture is not so elastic, and the taste is sweet and sour. Overall, cherries taste better than cherries, and of course the price is much different.

Buy cherries, keep in mind the "3 look principle"

1. Look at the specifications

Like cherries imported from northern hemisphere countries, the specifications are divided by number + ROW. From 9ROW to 11.5ROW, there are 6 sizes, and the smaller the number, the larger the fruit shape. Like cherries imported from southern hemisphere countries, the specifications are divided by the letter J, from L to 4J, there are also 6 specifications, namely L, XL, J, 2J, 3J, 4J, and the fruit shape is from small to large.

2. Look at the color

Generally speaking, cherries with a darker color will taste sweeter under the same circumstances. Cherries with a lighter color will have a relatively lighter taste and a weaker sweetness, so it is recommended to choose cherries with darker peels.

3. Look at the listing date

Look at the listing date marked on the outer packaging and try to choose a fresh date. If the listing date is longer, it means that it is not far from spoilage and rot.

[Obviously they look alike, 1 is called "cherry", 1 is called "cherry", what is the relationship between the two? ] It is recommended that when buying fruits in winter, you should distinguish between "cherries" and "cherries"
[Obviously they look alike, 1 is called "cherry", 1 is called "cherry", what is the relationship between the two? ] It is recommended that when buying fruits in winter, you should distinguish between "cherries" and "cherries"
[Obviously they look alike, 1 is called "cherry", 1 is called "cherry", what is the relationship between the two? ] It is recommended that when buying fruits in winter, you should distinguish between "cherries" and "cherries"

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