
Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

author:Fun facts hahaha

Mr. Lu Xun's sharp writing has left a strong mark in the history of Chinese literature, and his thinking was also extremely advanced at that time, if he were allowed to live in modern times, he should also be able to perfectly integrate the ideas of modern development. When it comes to parenting, his thinking is also very avant-garde.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

First of all, Mr. Lu Xun was actually a Dink at the beginning, you must feel incredible, people who can have this kind of thinking during the Republic of China, Mr. Lu Xun is not an ordinary cow. Mr. Lu Xun was an arranged marriage on the orders of his parents, which was very different from other literati of his time, Lu Xun and Zhu An's marriage was in name only, and he continued to give his wife living expenses until he was in his forties, when he met Xu Guangping.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Lu Xun once discussed the issue of raising children in "The Scream". He wrote: As long as a Chinese child is born, no matter whether he is good or not, as long as there are many, no matter whether he is talented or not. He who gave birth to him is not responsible for teaching him. Although the phrase "large population" can very much be conceited with closed eyes, many people only toss and turn in the dust, and when they are young, they cannot be people when they are not regarded as people.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Therefore, due to the turbulent situation, for various reasons, Lu Xun did not plan to have children at all. But there was no reliable contraception in that era, and the arrival of the sea baby was purely accidental.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Lu Xun once wrote to his student Li Bingzhong, "I originally wanted to worry about the future, and occasionally lost my attention, so I had a baby..." "The reason why the seeker prayed day and night to no avail, and the unwilling person became pregnant inadvertently. ”

In ancient times, children were valued extremely important, and when the mother had a difficult birth, people at that time were conservative in their thinking, and most people would choose to keep the child. But Lu Xun is a middle-aged man with advanced ideas.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Xu Guangping had a difficult labor when he gave birth. Sea babies are clamped out by forceps. Before the clamps came out, the heart rate was only a dozen beats, and the doctor saw the difficult labor and asked Lu Xun's opinion: "Keep the child or keep the adult?" Lu Xun didn't think about it: "Stay my lord!" ”

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

After the sea baby was born, Lu Xun actually said with a pleased tone: "It's a man, no wonder it's so hateful!" ”

Lu Xun also said: "Children are cute, but occasionally bring one is okay, and it is very annoying to carry it all the time."

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Lu Xun and his wife have no childcare experience at all, so they read parenting books and raise children according to what is said in the book.

The book says that breastfeeding is given every three hours for a number of minutes at a time. It's a pity that the child is not a robot, he has to eat when he is hungry, and it will not work for the couple to raise children according to the book. After two months, the child was very thin. So I took the child to the doctor, and the doctor said that the 2-month-old sea baby only has the weight standard of two or three weeks of baby.

Lu Xun is hands-on in taking care of children, and bathing is no exception. But because he is a novice dad, he is afraid that the cold weather will freeze the baby, afraid that he will not operate properly, how dare he bathe the child, and when the weather is a little cold, he does not even dare to open the baby's clothes.

In the end, Lu Xun gave up, found a nursing aunt to bathe the child, and said, "I'd better write two more articles!" ”

Lu Xun, who looks cold and pointed at Qianfu, is actually a pet maniac. He would tell his children some bedtime stories every day, and in terms of educational enlightenment, Lu Xun had to be considered a competent father. thing, for this he also created a brainwashing divine comedy "Little Red Elephant": Little Red, Little Elephant, Little Red Elephant... There is no less energy spent on children.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Another time, the sea baby was cut by glass, just a small wound, and the band-aid was attached, but Lu Xun used "bloody" to describe the child's wound and wrote a letter to his mother for comfort. Lu Xun is really an old urchin who loves to joke.

Lu Xun not only spoils the baby, but also loves the baby. As long as there are friends who come as guests, they will definitely take the child out to see, and even sometimes when the sea baby is asleep, he will take it out to show off his child. If the child is woken up, Lu Xun coaxes the child to sleep again. Every time I write a letter to a friend, I have to post my child, and it is estimated that my friends want to block this person. Later, when the child went to kindergarten, Lu Xun also showed off to his mother in a letter to his mother that the child had learned one or two hundred words, and he was very proud in his words.

But at some point, Lu Xun seemed to have become a gluttonous father. He does not sacrifice everything for the sake of their children, as traditional parents do.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Lu Xun bought three cookies on his way home. I was very happy to eat my share. He thought it was very delicious, so he ate another piece, thinking that he would only keep one for the sea baby, and he finished the second one. Not satisfied after eating. In the end, he ate the last piece as well. Lu Xun said this: Eat it all, and they won't know that I bought cookies. So it was all gone.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Lu Xun is a little childlike in this person. Lu Xun also loves to watch "Mickey Mouse", and usually takes children to watch "Tarzan" and "Midsummer Night's Dream", etc., since he was a child, he has taken children to enrich their horizons, learn more and learn more.

Lu Xun is very patient and methodical in educating children. Sea Baby was not good at memorizing ancient poems, so Lu Xun encouraged him to study his favorite small waterwheel. Sea babies are happy and grow up with love and encouragement.

During a meal, the sea baby said that the fish balls were not fresh, and no one else cared. Only Lu Xun picked up the fish ball and tried it, it was really not fresh: he said that it was not fresh, there must be his reason, and it was wrong to erase it without checking it. Teaching children by example is the best education.

And Lu Xun also repeatedly stressed that if a child does not have a talent in literature and art, he must not be an academic with a reputation fishing, just be an ordinary person.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Then Mr. Lu Xun, a good father, looks so perfect, will he beat the child? The answer is yes. Lu Xun will also hit the child, but just pretend to use an empty newspaper roll to mean a few times, it is completely thunder and rain is small.

Once, they had a discussion about violence: Sea Baby said, "Don't hit my son when I'm a father." Mr. Lu Xun asked, "If it's bad, what should you do?" "Teach Yi well and buy him something to eat."

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

As the child grows up, he begins to go out and cause trouble. Lu Xun once said, "I've had enough of the warnings of my three neighbors. It seems that Lu Xun is also worried and depressed about the bear child.

The education that Mr. Lu Xun gave to the sea baby when he was alive was: let it be, and try not to blow him much. Ask the sea baby to "dare to speak, dare to laugh, dare to fight, dare to scold." So there is the following little story.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Sea baby photography

Mr. Lu Xun has a room full of books, and the sea baby said that when you die, these books will be mine, and then Mr. Lu Xun laughed. The reason why Lu Xun laughed is probably because the child is naïve and straightforward and does not shy away, whether it is death, or if he wants to take the book for himself, he will directly say it. The second is to be pleased that his child also loves books, after all, Lu Xun is also a book lover, and his son wants his own books, which shows that the child not only loves books, but also recognizes his father's taste and hobby in choosing books, and is naturally happy.

And Lu Xun's understanding of "parenthood" is also worth pondering for our descendants.

The meaning of the existence of parents is not to give children a comfortable and prosperous life, but when you think of your parents, your heart will be full of strength, you will feel warmth, so that you have the courage and ability to overcome difficulties, and thus gain real joy and freedom in life.

Lu Xun's funny parenting: A generation of literary heroes can't escape the nightmare of a new dad

Sea baby photography

Sea Baby's life was low-key and steady, and he did not develop into the field of literature like his father, but he had small achievements in the field of radio, which he loved. It is best to be able to teach children to exist freely in heaven and earth. A parent who truly respects, trusts, and supports their child will bring endless strength to the child's life.