
Eating this nut is most effective in winter

author:Wellness tips every day

Walnuts, also known as longevity fruits, are a very good health food, rich in nutrients, containing vitamin E, lecithin, calcium, protein, unsaturated fatty acids and so on. There has always been a saying that eating walnuts is smart.

Walnut warmth, attributed to the kidney, lung and large intestine meridian, can nourish kidney yang, warm the liver and kidney, moisturize the intestines and laxative, relieve intestinal dryness, and also help the development of the brain and nerves. Eating in winter also has a certain effect on chronic bronchitis and asthma patients.

Eating this nut is most effective in winter

Although walnuts are good, you can't eat too much, you can eat two a day. Eating in winter basically does not catch fire, and can replenish energy and strengthen the body.

Eating this nut is most effective in winter

There are many ways to eat walnuts, if you don't like to eat them dry, you can also make walnut red date steamed buns, or add some when making porridge, so that the original astringent taste of walnuts will be much reduced. You can also buy jujube and walnuts directly to replenish blood and qi.

Eating this nut is most effective in winter

If you like to eat sweet, you can also make amber walnuts, boil rock sugar into syrup and then add walnuts to cook, hang each walnut with crystal syrup and then put it out to cool, put it in the refrigerator for a long time.


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