
The Flavian dynasty is a Roman imperial dynasty with a Roman Senate olive tree country beautiful girl oil painting


#Winter Life Season #The Flavian dynasty was a Roman dynasty that ruled the Roman Empire from 69 to 96 AD, including Vesparian (69-79) and his two sons, Titus (79-81) and Domitian (81-96). The Flavians came to power during the Civil War of 69, a year known as the Year of the Four Emperors. After the deaths of Garba and Otto, Vitellius became emperor in mid-69 AD.

The Flavian dynasty is a Roman imperial dynasty with a Roman Senate olive tree country beautiful girl oil painting

His claim to the throne was soon challenged by the legions stationed in the eastern provinces, who announced that their commander Vespacian had replaced him as emperor. The Second Battle of Bedriacum decisively tilted the scales in favor of the Flavia army that had entered Rome on 20 December.

The Flavian dynasty is a Roman imperial dynasty with a Roman Senate olive tree country beautiful girl oil painting

The next day, the Roman Senate officially declared Vespassi emperor of the Roman Empire, thus establishing the Flavia dynasty. Although the dynasty proved to be short-lived, there were some major historical, economic, and military events during its reign.

The Flavian dynasty is a Roman imperial dynasty with a Roman Senate olive tree country beautiful girl oil painting

The Flavians initiated economic and cultural reforms. Under Vespasian, new taxes were instituted to restore the empire's finances, while Domitian revalued the Roman currency by increasing the silver coin content.

The Flavian dynasty is a Roman imperial dynasty with a Roman Senate olive tree country beautiful girl oil painting

To celebrate the rise of the Flavian dynasty, a massive architectural plan was drawn up, leaving several enduring landmarks in the city of Rome, the most spectacular of which is the Flavi Ring Theater, better known as the Colosseum.

The Flavian dynasty is a Roman imperial dynasty with a Roman Senate olive tree country beautiful girl oil painting

On June 9, 68 BC, amid growing opposition from the Senate and the army, Nero committed suicide and brought an end to the Giulio Claudian dynasty. Chaos ensued, leading to a year of brutal civil war, known as the Year of the Four Emperors, during which four of the most influential generals of the Roman Empire, Galba, Otto, Vitellius and Vespassi, vied for imperial power. News of Nero's death reached Vespassian, who was preparing to lay siege to the city of Jerusalem. Almost simultaneously, the Senate declared Garba, then governor of Hispania Tarakonen (present-day Spain), emperor of Rome.

The Flavian dynasty is a Roman imperial dynasty with a Roman Senate olive tree country beautiful girl oil painting

Vespassi decided to wait for further orders and sent Titus to greet the new emperor instead of continuing his campaign. However, before arriving in Italy, Titus learned that Galba had been murdered and replaced by Otto, governor of Lusitania (present-day Portugal). At the same time, Vitellius and his army in Germania revolted and prepared to march on Rome, intending to overthrow Otto. Not wanting to risk being taken hostage by one side or the other, Titus abandoned his journey to Rome to be reunited with his father in Judea.

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