
The world's largest centipede, how scary is the multi-legged animal

author:Big Bay Original

A strange phenomenon is that many people do not actually find tigers, lions and other behemoths terrible, but will find some inconspicuous insects terrible.

The world's largest centipede, how scary is the multi-legged animal

For example, many people will be afraid of cockroaches, at the same time, there are many people who will be afraid of centipedes, poisonous snakes, etc., especially centipedes, they are very small, many times, often have not noticed it, it is easy to be bitten by it. So what I want to introduce today, directly to a blockbuster - the world's largest centipede:

The world's largest centipede, how scary is the multi-legged animal

The Peruvian giant centipede has always been considered the world's largest centipede, 30 cm long, its teeth and claws are toxic, like to live in dark and humid places, is a very fierce carnivore, but eat an adult lizard, its danger we can imagine, they do not like to live in groups, if they live together, the same kind will produce fights, etc., but if it is artificially bred, it should be able to live together. It is mainly distributed in Trinidad Island in the Caribbean Sea, and Amazon countries and regions such as Peru, Ecuador and Brazil in South America

The largest individual in the extant museum is more than 43cm:

The world's largest centipede, how scary is the multi-legged animal

I really don't want to say anything, if I meet a centipede that lives so big, I think it's better to run away.

Speaking of this large centipede, they prey on a wide range of objects, from insect worms to other arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, etc., here is feeding cockroaches, rapid pounce:

Hehe, just that pair of big teeth scared to pee. It is said that the centipede is full of weapons, the pair of feet are sharp, and the long body can be wrapped and suppressed. Oh, my God......

From the web,

But when they molt is when they are weakest, the whole body is soft:

The world's largest centipede, how scary is the multi-legged animal

From the Internet, invasion and deletion

What do you think? After learning about the longest centipede in the world, did you feel creepy? Although the world's longest centipede is now more difficult to see in life, centipedes of more than ten centimeters are common, such as the less-spiny centipede, which lives in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, and must be careful not to let them have the opportunity to hurt themselves in life.

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