
Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

author:Kanyu parietal tumor

Speaking of spiders, everyone has basically seen them.

Isn't it a furry guy who can weave a web with many legs?

The world is huge, from good-looking to weird-looking spiders.

Jumping spiders

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Jumping spiders

Just looking at the picture can frighten people, the four eyes are bright, and it is estimated that no one dares to look at him for 3 seconds.

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Jumping spiders

Compared with other spiders, this spider's brain and vision are much more developed, that is, very intelligent, but the only drawback is that it does not weave webs.

As for why you can't weave a net? The answer is that its name tells you that it can jump.

He would rather sacrifice himself than weave a net.

And its unique eyes, which can be described as a 360-degree camera.

Then it excels at camouflage, impersonating different insects such as ants and beetles, and approaching unsuspecting prey.

With a pair of discerning eyes, you can also jump and disguise yourself, which is really the "Yu Zecheng" of the spider world.

"Black dog" spiders?

Known as the "hay spider," this spider has a particularly dog-like head that lives in Ecuador's rainforest. These spiders have been around for about 400 million years, and they appeared long before the dinosaurs.

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Hay spiders

This spider is distributed all over the world, and at first sight, it thought that there was only one black dog head there, because the black one was too obvious.

Spider fisherman

Maybe everyone has survived a spider called tarantula, with 8 eyes that look fierce, but there is also a very leisurely spider, eating fish, tadpoles, etc. when they are fine.

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Spider fisherman

When it grows to 2.2 cm in size, it feeds on insects, tadpoles and small fish, and the fish it bites will die within seconds.

The fish is then pulled back to shore, allowed to dissolve under the action of enzymes, and in a few hours it will eat the fish.

Spiders like this one like where there is standing water, they like wetlands and can even breathe underwater.

The largest "spider"

This spider looks like the largest spider of our time, and it's called the giant bird-eating spider.

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Giant bird-eating spider

With an average weight of 175 grams, this spider is the record holder from Venezuela with a claw span of 28 centimeters.

He gained fame for being able to eat birds, and indeed, it was capable, but it rarely hunted birds and preferred smaller and more affordable food.

Among spiders, he is quite possibly the largest representative in history.

But it comes from spiders, not spiders! Scorpions and mites also belong to this category of arthropods.

"Amulet" spiders

Imagine that you suddenly see a similar mysterious "amulet" lying on the ground, and you will pick it up?

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Spider hatching

Don't be curious when you see something like this, don't pick it up and look at it, it's poisonous if you don't get it right.

Scientists named it "spider hatching" because of this unusual behavior.

This spider hides in a hole when in danger, and the rear of the "amulet" will be exposed as a shield so that predators do not touch it.

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Spider hatching

The spider is 3 centimeters long, and the diameter of this "disc" is 1.5 centimeters, this spider is poisonous, but this toxicity is not fatal, but if you are accidentally bitten, it is still very painful.

Have you ever seen a spider that looks like an "amulet"? Take stock of 5 weird-looking spiders

Spider hatching

They live in Asia and the United States and are among the oldest spiders on our planet, with the first spiders of this species appearing about 100 million years ago.

They haven't evolved much since then.

The world is so big, there are no wonders, and the above are the weird spiders in the 5.

When we meet these spiders, we must not be curious and think they are cute to play with them, they are not easy to mess with.

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