
Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

author:Flower cultivation exchange

When the money tree is healthy, the leaves are particularly emerald green, if you find that the leaves are constantly yellowing, it is necessary to check whether the old leaves are yellow, and whether the leaves at the bottom of the plant are yellow. If only a few old leaves are yellow and withered, it is very normal, belonging to the normal aging of the leaves.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

Follow-up can continue to observe, if the yellowing of the leaves does not spread and does not appear on the new leaves, it is a very normal metabolism.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

There is also a situation to note that some new varieties of money trees have brocade leaves, such as the one above, the new leaves are yellow, and the leaves of the old leaves have yellow brocade spots.

1. Improper watering

More or less water can cause the leaves of the money tree to turn yellow.

1. A lot of water

Water is a common cause of yellowing of the leaves of money trees, and it is recommended to check whether the soil is completely dry before watering potted money trees every time.

Generally, when the soil dries 3~5 cm, it can be watered once. If you really don't know how often to water, touch the topsoil before each watering, and then water it when it is particularly dry, or insert a bamboo stick on the edge of the soil, and pull it up before each watering.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

Usually also pay attention to observation, after watering the potted money tree, the soil is still relatively wet after two weeks, it may be that the planted pot is too large, too much soil, resulting in the potting soil has not been dry.

Or the potting soil is too sticky and needs to be improved, you can consider changing it to a smaller pot, and move it to a ventilated and light place, and dry the potting soil in time.

If you find that the leaves of the money tree begin to turn yellow and low, and the soil is still very moist, there is a risk of rotting roots, and it is necessary to depot it in time, (potted plants turn upside down and turn over the pot) to check whether the roots are rotten.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

Water causes rotten roots, which will also cause a large area of yellowing of leaves, which is manifested in the fact that the leaves have no spirit and the soil is still relatively moist.

You can open the soil, you can smell a little rot, the bottom of its rhizome will also become pasty, the color will become darker, if you find rotten roots, clean up all the surrounding soil, and cut off all the rotten roots. If only a small part of the rot, you can clean up the rotten part, and then pour through the chlorin solution, dry the wound in time, move to a better ventilated place, and dry the soil as soon as possible.

2. Less water

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

If the soil is dry for a long time, it will also cause the leaves of the money tree to turn yellow, but this situation can be saved, long-term non-watering, resulting in yellowing of the leaves, there will be a situation of withering, the soil is particularly dry, its leaves will also dry up and thin, and the leaves will also wrinkle.

Second, the root system withers

The leaves of the money tree rot, the leaves will turn yellow in large areas, and if they wither according to it, it will also cause the leaves to constantly yellow.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

If your money tree has not had new leaves growing, it may be that the root system has withered and cannot grow new roots, at this time, you must take off the pot in time and change to a new potting soil, you can water it with a rooting solution.

Third, improper pot changing

Maintaining the money tree does not require frequent potting, each time you have to wait until the roots are already full of potting soil, and then change to a larger size pot. Especially in the environment where ventilation and light transmission are not very good, lack of light, it grows particularly slowly, generally changing the pot every two or three years.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

If the environment maintained by the money tree is particularly good, there is more scattered light, the environment is warm, it grows particularly fast, and the root system is already full of potting soil, then it will also have yellow leaves, that is, it is too crowded.

Fourth, insufficient light

Money tree is a very shade-tolerant plant, long-term maintenance in a low-light environment, after two or three weeks will not have problems, but if it is kept in a lack of light for a long time, its leaves will continue to yellow, the state of the leaves will deteriorate, and will not grow new leaves.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

In this case, move to a place with a little light in time, gradually increase the light, and slowly move to a place with more scattered light.

5. The new leaves are yellow

The newly grown leaves of the money tree are generally light green, not yellow, if the newly grown leaves are yellow, it is generally lacking in nutrients, and there may be a lack of iron and potassium, if the soil is still relatively fertile, or pay attention to supplement fertilizer, it may be that the soil is alkaline.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

Sometimes the soil is moist for a long time, but the environment is better, and the leaves will be yellow, but they will slowly return to emerald green.

Sixth, the fertilization is too concentrated

Money trees have very little demand for fertilizer, generally replenishing fertilizer every three or four weeks, and only during the growing season. If you don't know how to fertilize it, it is generally enough to supplement slow-release fertilizer once a year or half a year.

In the rapid growing season, such as the temperature between 18~25 degrees, you can supplement fertilizer with a lower concentration every three or four weeks, and the concentration of fertilizer is twice as low as usual.

Money tree leaves yellowing generally in these six cases, these methods can restore the leaves to emerald green

Fertilization is too concentrated, will cause the leaves to yellow, at this time to rinse the potting soil in time, rinse the potting soil with water for about a minute.


Money tree leaves are yellow, also check for pests and diseases, leaves for disease spots and spots, whether they are spreading, these are easy to see.

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