
Put a small basin of water under the potted plant and raise it with stones to easily and effectively increase humidity

author:Flower cultivation exchange

Now that the weather is so cold, many northern flower friends are moving plants to indoor maintenance, the biggest problem is to pay attention to improve humidity, move to a position with more sunlight indoors, and water in time, pay attention to potted plants not directly placed on the heating.

Put a small basin of water under the potted plant and raise it with stones to easily and effectively increase humidity

1. Method of humidification

Most plants do not like too dry environment, especially a variety of tropical plants, if the air at home is too dry, in addition to opening the humidifier, often spray water, in fact, there is a more simple and convenient way.

Put a small basin of water under the potted plant and raise it with stones to easily and effectively increase humidity

For example, putting a pot of water directly next to the potted plants, or placing multiple pots of plants together, can appropriately increase the air humidity.

2. Trays and stones

If you don't think this method is good enough, you can also try to put a relatively large tray at the bottom of the pot and put some larger pebbles or stones on the tray. After that, pour appropriate water into the tray, and the water level does not cross the stone.

Put a small basin of water under the potted plant and raise it with stones to easily and effectively increase humidity

Potted plants are placed directly on the stone, and the bottom of the pot also has drainage holes, which cannot be directly contacted with water, so that the humidity can be ensured, the water continues to evaporate, and the clean water should not be submerged in the bottom of the pot, and the soil will not continue to be moist, but it can really continue to increase humidity.

If there are no stones at home, you can also prepare some smaller trays, directly buckle on the large tray, and then install an appropriate amount of clean water potted plants, and put them on the small tray, so that it can also be placed directly on the water surface without direct contact with water.

3. Is it effective?

This method is indeed quite practical and true, it can increase a certain air humidity, and moisture can slowly evaporate.

Put a small basin of water under the potted plant and raise it with stones to easily and effectively increase humidity

Some flower lovers may be worried that putting a pot of water under the potted plant will attract insects, which is to pay attention, and the stones placed in the water should be cleaned in advance. If the weather is warm, pay attention to regular water changes.


Here to remind everyone that if there is no heating environment indoors, the plant is more afraid of cold, the ambient temperature is relatively low, do not spray water on the leaves of the plant, otherwise it will aggravate frostbite, especially on cold nights, let alone let the leaves often retain moisture.

Put a small basin of water under the potted plant and raise it with stones to easily and effectively increase humidity

Raising flowers must be adapted to local conditions, but also choose plants that suit your home, do not blindly buy. For example, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, the winter is relatively cold, if there is no way to provide a relatively warm environment for plants, do not buy some plants that are particularly afraid of cold, including common taro, ornamental arrowroot, etc.

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