
Alexander once captured 10,000 noble ladies from Persia, what did he do with them? It's not just "trophies" that almost every war throughout the ages has brought heavy harm to mankind,

author:Lake dwellers

Alexander once captured 10,000 noble ladies from Persia, what did he do with them? Not just "loot"

Almost every war throughout the ages has brought heavy harm to mankind, especially to the common people during the ancient feudal society.

During the war, people not only had to prevent the enemy from plundering and massacring after capturing the city, but also to prevent some of their own soldiers from taking advantage of the chaos.

To take a simple example, there have been many soldiers in history who committed crimes during wartime, but eventually blamed all the crimes on hostile countries.

The common people are like this, not to mention the women who are captured.

During the Five Hu Chaos, the northern Hu people often referred to Han female captives as two-legged sheep, prostitute at night and abuse during the day, which is the most common and cruel experience of female captives in history.

So historically so with the northern nomads, and what about the Western emperor Alexander? When he destroyed Persia, he captured 10,000 Persian noblewomen, what did Alexander do in the end?

The rise of Alexander

Alexander's rise to prominence is best known for his rivalry with his father Philip II and his courtiers.

As the eldest son of King Philip II of Macedonia and Queen Ophipias, it was only natural for Alexander to inherit the throne.

More importantly, at a very young age, Alexander showed his bravery and wisdom to the people, and both the people and the ministers were very optimistic about Alexander.

It's just that what people didn't expect was that although the subjects were supportive, Alexander's parents were crazy. The first is his mother, Oplipias, who is obsessed with witchcraft and has many quirks, and many behaviors in daily life are very puzzling.

Faced with such a queen, Philip II could not bear it anymore, and finally chose to marry someone else, making a noble woman named Cleopatra Eurydi his new wife.

For his father's choice, Alexander naturally did not have much to say. But after abandoning his mother, his father even took him with hatred.

Not only that, Philip II also publicly stated that Ophipias, who was just a slut with countless lovers, and did not know whose son Alexander was, made Alexander unbearable. He knew that Philip II was only trying to find a reason to remove himself as "prince" by saying this.

To this end, father and son finally tore their faces, and Philip II began to deliberately squeeze out Alexander's forces, and Alexander, not to be outdone, returned to his hometown with his mother, and borrowed troops from his uncle to prepare to seize the throne by force.

In the end, Philip II was accidentally assassinated by the guards because of his mediocrity and tyranny, and after Alexander successfully returned to the capital, he fought with many powerful officials.

At only twenty years old, he successfully suppressed the rebellion and unified the Kingdom of Macedonia again.

Expedition to Persia

After this, Alexander conquered all the surrounding countries, and continued the historical task that the Macedonian kingdom had not completed in history, conquering Persia.

As for the reasons for the conquest, Western historians gave many reasons such as culture, belief, and economic development. But in fact, the point is actually that these two countries want to unify the "world", and the two sides do not look at each other well, and naturally solve the problem by war.

It's just that during the reign of Philip II, the Macedonian kingdom fought for many years, and the treasury was long empty. Therefore, although Alexander the Great had countless elite generals under him, but a penny stumped the heroic man, Alexander still could not directly launch an attack on Persia.

Fortunately, the nobility in Macedonia "stood up" at a critical moment. While Alexander was out on the battlefield, these veteran nobles jumped out to incite the people, declaring that Alexander had died on the way to the conquest.

Taking this opportunity, Alexander quietly led his pro-army to fight back at home, cleaned up all the troublesome nobles, refilled the treasury, and officially launched an attack on the Persian Empire.

Throughout the battle, Alexander led by example and charged ahead, and finally succeeded in defeating the Persian Empire and making Darius III subordinate.

It is worth mentioning that in the face of former enemies, Alexander's handling is also worth learning from future generations.

From the 10,000 noble ladies captured by the Persian Empire, Alexander asked his soldiers to choose suitable subjects as wives. However, this is not the "loot" reward that people remember, but the sincere hope that the two sides can merge with each other.

In Alexander's eyes, many of the advanced cultures and technologies of the Persian Empire were worth learning from themselves, and if the two countries could be completely integrated, a more powerful empire would inevitably be born.

As Alexander expected, an emerging state far beyond Persia and Macedonia officially emerged.

In the past, Macedonian kings like Philip II only thought about how to invade each other and obtain certain benefits, but no one looked at things from a long-term perspective. Alexander's move was tantamount to changing the future development of the entire Macedonian kingdom. The descendants are called the great emperor, and they deserve it.

Alexander once captured 10,000 noble ladies from Persia, what did he do with them? It's not just "trophies" that almost every war throughout the ages has brought heavy harm to mankind,
Alexander once captured 10,000 noble ladies from Persia, what did he do with them? It's not just "trophies" that almost every war throughout the ages has brought heavy harm to mankind,
Alexander once captured 10,000 noble ladies from Persia, what did he do with them? It's not just "trophies" that almost every war throughout the ages has brought heavy harm to mankind,

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