
Replenish yang and nourish yin and replenish qi and blood, commonly used "four famous supplements"! Tonifying yang nourishing yin and replenishing qi and blood, commonly used "four famous tonics" of traditional Chinese medicine, it is recommended to remember to collect! 1. Replenish qi - ginseng, codonopsis, American ginseng,

author:Director of Dong Jianjian of the Department of Urology

Replenish yang and nourish yin and replenish qi and blood, commonly used "four famous supplements"!

Tonifying yang nourishing yin and replenishing qi and blood, commonly used "four famous tonics" of traditional Chinese medicine, it is recommended to remember to collect!

1. Replenish qi - ginseng, codonopsis, American ginseng, prince ginseng, astragalus.

Jujubes, yams, white lentils, honey, licorice, etc

2. Blood replenishment - angelica, cooked ground yellow, ejiao, white peony, longan meat, He Shou Wu, chicken blood vine, yellow essence, mulberry, black sesame, etc

Third, tonifying yang - making aconite, cinnamon, dried ginger, deer antler gum, epimedium

Lotus, psora, fairy grass, eucommia, continuity, nootropic kernel, cistanche, etc

Fourth, replenish yin - raw ground yellow, wheat dong, north and south sand ginseng, tiandong, goji

Qi, Dendrobium, Privet, Lily, Huangjing, Tortoise Shell, Jade Bamboo, Chu Shizi, etc.

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Replenish yang and nourish yin and replenish qi and blood, commonly used "four famous supplements"! Tonifying yang nourishing yin and replenishing qi and blood, commonly used "four famous tonics" of traditional Chinese medicine, it is recommended to remember to collect! 1. Replenish qi - ginseng, codonopsis, American ginseng,
Replenish yang and nourish yin and replenish qi and blood, commonly used "four famous supplements"! Tonifying yang nourishing yin and replenishing qi and blood, commonly used "four famous tonics" of traditional Chinese medicine, it is recommended to remember to collect! 1. Replenish qi - ginseng, codonopsis, American ginseng,
Replenish yang and nourish yin and replenish qi and blood, commonly used "four famous supplements"! Tonifying yang nourishing yin and replenishing qi and blood, commonly used "four famous tonics" of traditional Chinese medicine, it is recommended to remember to collect! 1. Replenish qi - ginseng, codonopsis, American ginseng,

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