
The Taliban have been in power in Afghanistan for a year and three months. What are these people doing in the wilderness? They are members of a group of identified Taliban members in the area who are inspecting the ongoing one here

author:Situation Jun

The Taliban have been in power in Afghanistan for a year and three months.

What are these people doing in the wilderness? They were local Taliban members who inspected an ongoing grim construction site and then prayed on the side of the road. Look at the dress, looks, and state of this group of people, and think about how abrupt and absurd it is for Americans to promote their system here for the past 20 years.

Let these people take their time in their own way, no one can help them, they have their own cultural accumulation, customs, religious beliefs, principles, they will also observe the progress and prosperity of the world, and then think about how they should progress.

The Taliban have been in power in Afghanistan for a year and three months. What are these people doing in the wilderness? They are members of a group of identified Taliban members in the area who are inspecting the ongoing one here
The Taliban have been in power in Afghanistan for a year and three months. What are these people doing in the wilderness? They are members of a group of identified Taliban members in the area who are inspecting the ongoing one here
The Taliban have been in power in Afghanistan for a year and three months. What are these people doing in the wilderness? They are members of a group of identified Taliban members in the area who are inspecting the ongoing one here

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