
Geranium, also known as hydrangea , paraffin red, wax red, sunrotten red, and anemone, is a perennial succulent shrub plant in the family Nymphae. The flowering period is from May to July, and the fruit period is from June to September. Geranium is most suitable

author:Wise and beautiful kitten Vw
{"info":{"title":{"content":"天竺葵别名洋绣球、石腊红、入腊红、日烂红、洋葵,属拢牛儿苗科多年生肉质灌木植物。花期5-7月,果期6-9月。天竺葵最适宜","en":"Geranium, also known as hydrangea , paraffin red, wax red, sunrotten red, and anemone, is a perennial succulent shrub plant in the family Nymphae. The flowering period is from May to July, and the fruit period is from June to September. Geranium is most suitable"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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