
Lad. The reward of working for the toad for 3 years. The father had three sons. As the son grew up, the food at home became more and more tight, so the old father began to mobilize his son to go out to work. He only

author:Stories and novels that love to think

Lad. The reward of working for the toad for 3 years.

The father had three sons. As the son grew up, the food at home became more and more tight, so the old father began to mobilize his son to go out to work. He only asked his son to return with new clothes in a year. The three sons were also obedient, and soon after they set off together, they came to the big tree at the entrance of the village, which happened to be a fork in the road. In order to increase the return on investment of the family, the three brothers said goodbye to each other and took different paths. As soon as the three sons, Martin, entered the forest, they came across a toad. Toad could see at a glance that this was a migrant worker, so he offered to recruit Martin to work for him. The job is simple. He only needs to cut trees and wood and carry the boss to bed at night. Martin thought that the toad could talk and that it would be fine to pay a salary, so he gladly accepted the job. Martin worked hard every day to chop trees and chop firewood. Toad owner practices breaststroke in the pool all day. A year passed quickly. Boss Toad first highly recognizes Martin's work, and then asks Martin to go to the basement to pick out a beautiful dress and go back to make friends with his father. The three brothers meet under a big tree at the entrance of the village. Both brothers laughed when they heard that Martin worked at Toad. However, when Martin showed off her sparkling clothes that day, their faces changed and there was only jealousy. After the three brothers were at home, the old father began to urge them to go out to work again, this time only needing to bring a barrel of wine home. So the three brothers set off again, then said goodbye to Dashu at the entrance of the village and went their own way. The toad had long been waiting for Martin by the forest, and Martin was used to working for the toad, so he read for another year at the instigation of the toad. At the end of the year, Boss Toad gave Martin a wine bottle and then told him to go to the basement and fill it with whatever he liked. This time, the three brothers met again under a tree at the entrance of the village. Both brothers pushed full barrels. After seeing that Martin only took one bottle, they laughed at their brother, and Martin just laughed and didn't speak. Generally masters are like this, like not to say, deep makeup. Sure enough, after returning home, the brothers found that the wine in Martin's bottle could not be finished at all, and the brotherly relationship suddenly reached the freezing point. After drinking, the old father began to arrange annual plans for the New Year. This time, the difficulty soared. He asked his sons to bring their wives back at the end of the year. The three brothers were at the entrance of the village again, the uncle said goodbye, and Martin came to the toad again. The boss is still on the road and says that this year it is necessary to speed up progress and cut down entire forests and pile them into firewood. Almost a year later, Boss Toad asked Martin to put him and his bed on top of the pyre. Martin did what the toad meant, and when everything was ready, the toad asked Martin to light the firewood, and then he would see the toad jumping into the fire pit from all directions. Martin only needs to take a broom and sweep the toads into the fire and not let them escape. Listening to this strange request, Martin hurriedly asked the boss to hurry down, otherwise the boss smashed who paid the salary? But the toad was not moved at all, so Martin had to listen to the boss and light the wood. Sure enough, there was soon a commotion around them. In an instant, the fire burst into the sky, and the night was silent and beautiful. Martin's broom smokes, so they barely swept all the toads. All the toads and Martin's toad boss are gone. Martin was sad, but it ended there, so he decided to sleep first and wait until tomorrow. After Martin falls asleep, a magnificent palace appears in the clearing next to him, and then the frog boss turns into a young girl. It turned out that the princess and everyone in the castle were cursed as toads. This curse only requires an honest and upright young man to listen to the princess. Apparently, Martin is the person the princess needs. After understanding the situation, Martin's heart jumped with excitement, and the princess also took the initiative to jump into Martin's arms, saying that she wanted to go home to meet her parents. The brothers were even more jealous when they saw Martin's pomp and circumstance, but Martin was a good brother. She gave the gold coins of Samari to her two brothers, then returned to the castle to marry the princess and then become king. #Story# #Giant# Love & #Beauty #

Lad. The reward of working for the toad for 3 years. The father had three sons. As the son grew up, the food at home became more and more tight, so the old father began to mobilize his son to go out to work. He only
Lad. The reward of working for the toad for 3 years. The father had three sons. As the son grew up, the food at home became more and more tight, so the old father began to mobilize his son to go out to work. He only
Lad. The reward of working for the toad for 3 years. The father had three sons. As the son grew up, the food at home became more and more tight, so the old father began to mobilize his son to go out to work. He only

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