
How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

author:The spirit of all things
How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here
Have you ever seen a poisonous spider that is 30 cm long? Have you ever heard of a bat that sucks blood? In the Amazon rainforest, there are many deadly and terrible animals, how dangerous and deadly can a certain ranking animal be? Today, we're going to take stock of eight deadly animals in the Amazon.
How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The first type of mosquito

Due to the humid environment, there are more than 200 kinds of mosquitoes living in the Amazon rainforest, and unlike ordinary mosquitoes, the mosquitoes here are not only larger, but also more numerous, in the sky above the rainforest, you will often see a cloud of "black fog" composed of mosquitoes, so if you want to enter the rainforest, the first step is to prevent mosquitoes.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

Usually, if we are bitten by mosquitoes, at most it is a large bag, even if it is unbearable, it can be eliminated in just a few days, and if we are unfortunately bitten by mosquitoes in the Amazon rainforest, it is not just as simple as a bag. It is reported that Amazon mosquitoes can pierce needles through the gaps in their clothes, and then suck our blood, these mosquitoes carry many infectious viruses, such as malaria, so if you want to enter the rainforest, not only wear mosquito clothing, it is best to be vaccinated.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The second type of bat

Most bats currently feed on nectar, fruits, or small insects, but did you know that? There are also some bats that use blood as their main food, and most of them live in the Amazon rainforest. Everyone knows that bats are a nocturnal animal, they will stay in the cave with their white heads, and will come out to feed at night, so how can there be such bats in the forest?

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

In fact, the Amazon rainforest is different from the general forest with intensive human activities, it belongs to the primary forest, in the depths of the Amazon rainforest, there are almost no human footprints, so the plant growth here is endless. Some trees can live for hundreds or even thousands of years. And the climate here is warm and humid, which is very suitable for the growth of plants, so with it, there are more species of animals.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

As we all know, bats like to stay in dark and humid places, deep in the rainforest, because of the dense growth of trees and plants, so in some places the vegetation cover will be dense, the sun will be blocked, thus forming a "black forest" area, no light shines in and the climate is humid, nature is the paradise of these vampire bats.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

Once these vampire bats target a prey, they will use their fangs to pierce the animal's skin, and the saliva of these bats also contains a special substance that can make the blood lose its clotting function, so as long as they are entangled by this bat, they will endlessly suck the host's blood until they are full and drinking, and will not leave.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

What's even more deadly is that the bat also carries a variety of viruses. At the beginning of the new crown, I believe that some people have already understood the "power" of wild bats. In fact, the viruses carried by Amazon rainforest bats will only be many, and even some of the viruses they carry have not yet developed an antidote, so if you are accidentally bitten, you can say that your life is in danger.

The third type of stray spider

In life, we will inevitably see many small spiders, in fact, many of the spiders we see just look scary, they are basically non-toxic, but small spiders will feel afraid when they see behemoths like us humans.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

In order to prey, ordinary spiders will make webs, and then wait for some small flying insects such as rabbits to throw themselves into the web, and then become the spider's meal. However, unlike ordinary spiders, stray spiders never form webs, and with their strong venom alone, they can move around and hunt prey, hence their name.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

Compared with ordinary spiders, stray spiders are huge, even up to 15 cm in length, in addition, their toxicity is also very violent. It takes only 0.06 milligrams of venom to poison a mouse, and if a human is bitten by this spider, it will be paralyzed in breathing, stiff or even dead in just a few seconds, and if left untreated, the likelihood of death is doubled.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The fourth species of the Amazon giant centipede

This humid and dark environment must be indispensable for centipedes. Giant centipedes are one of the largest centipedes in the world, their body length is several times that of ordinary centipedes, and they generally like to inhabit stone crevices, between the leaves of the woods, etc., and may appear around you at any time.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

In addition to its size, this centipede is also highly toxic, they use small animals as their main food, such as frogs, birds, etc., and some even attack bats. Once humans are bitten, they will produce unbearable pain, and may be dizzy and nauseated, and if they cannot be treated in time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The fifth species of the Amazon giant bird-eating spider

This is currently the largest spider, reaching a length of 30 centimeters, and because of their huge size, they are even included in the Guinness Book of Records. However, this spider not only hunts birds, but also eats small insects, rodents, bats, and even some poisonous snakes.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The Amazon giant bird-eating spider has a unique skill of spinning and weaving webs, if an animal falls into the web, the bird-eating spider will quickly dispatch and secrete venom to kill the prey, in addition, the web woven by the Amazon giant bird-eating spider is also beaten and firm, and can easily bear 300 grams. Since this spider is very fierce, locals also have to be on guard.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The sixth species of poison dart frog

The poison dart frog is the most beautiful frog in the world, but also one of the most poisonous frogs, under the colorful appearance of the poison dart frog hides a poisonous heart, this frog is very small, some even only 1.5 cm, but although the body size is small, the toxicity is very large, and the different colors on their bodies indicate that their toxicity is also different.

The most toxic known is the most conspicuous lemon yellow poison dart frog, which can poison a person with less than 1 milligram of venom, and the toxins contained in this venom will quickly attack the human nervous system, thereby killing people. However, if the venom does not enter the skin, it will not be toxic, so when locals catch this frog, they often wrap their hands with leaves to prevent the venom from entering.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The seventh species of Amazonian senpai

The Amazon Forest Cockroach is the largest in the world, and this giant snake is so large that its limbs are as thick as an adult male. Other vipers attack their prey with venom, and this viper rolls its prey to death and eats it by its large size. Their huge body allows them to eat many animals, even some larger than themselves, and the Amazon Forest Grasshopper can swallow it.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

The eighth species of jaguar

Jaguars are a kind of fighting beast, even in the dangerous Amazon rainforest, they can also be called the top predators, after all, whether it is speed or size, jaguars are beyond the reach of many animals, not to mention his teeth and claws are not generally sharp, so as long as it is prey targeted by jaguars, it can be said that it is certain death.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

In addition to moving on land, jaguars are also good swimmers, so even tough crocodiles are nothing more than a plate of food in the eyes of jaguars. When hunting, other leopards will choose to bite off the neck of the prey, and the jaguar is directly biting through the head of the prey, and its ferocity is much stronger than other leopards, which is the most dangerous animal in the Amazon, if a human encounters a jaguar, in addition to praying that he has eaten, he can only resign himself to fate.

How dangerous are the eight terrifying creatures of the Amazon? The world's largest snakes and spiders are here

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