
The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

author:Sister Rong's flower language

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With more and more succulent varieties, many general succulents have been disliked by flower friends. First, because of visual fatigue, and secondly, there is no freshness.

However, many general goods and succulents that are disliked by flower friends are really beautiful after being raised in winter. Just like the Guanyin lotus that Sister Rong said today, after cultivating the state, it is like a "blooming lotus", fresh and auspicious!

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

If you want to make Guanyin lotus out of the state in winter, you need to do it from the following 4 points, as long as you do it well, it can still be beautiful.

Keep warm

Guanyin lotus is still relatively hardy, although some flower friends say that the suitable temperature for the growth of Guanyin lotus is 15~25 degrees, and the temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 degrees, otherwise it will stop growing or frostbite.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

In fact, Guanyin lotus is far more resistant than this, and the winter temperature is about 0 degrees, which is no problem. Some flower friends said that Guanyin lotus can withstand a low temperature of minus ten degrees, but it takes a short time, and if it is long, it is easy to frostbite and freeze to death.

In order to be able to make Guanyin lotus out of the state in winter, the temperature needs to be controlled above five degrees, because in this case, Guanyin lotus will still grow more vigorously and it is easier to grow beautifully. Therefore, in winter, it is necessary to move the Guanyin lotus to indoor cultivation.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

If the indoor temperature is low, it needs to be kept in a place with more sunlight during the day, which can also play a role in heating up, so that Guanyin lotus can also grow beautiful in winter.

Water according to the room temperature

How to water Guanyin lotus in winter still needs to be decided according to the indoor temperature. If the indoor temperature is low, the number of watering needs to be reduced. And the watering time also needs to be watered at noon high temperature to prevent the temperature from dropping at night, resulting in water accumulation in the pot and causing rotten roots.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

In addition to watering at noon temperatures, the temperature of the water also needs to be the same as the temperature in the room, so as to prevent the use of water temperature that is too low, causing the roots of Guanyin Lian to grow slowly due to cold.

If the indoor temperature is high, the watering time does not need to be at noon, as long as the soil dries and watered once. The temperature of the water does not need to be the same as the indoor temperature, as long as you use the water stored in the bucket, do not directly use the tap water that has just been connected.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

Fertilization in winter

I saw many flower friends say that Guanyin lotus does not need to be fertilized in winter. Mainly because the indoor temperature is low, the growth of Guanyin lotus is relatively slow, so there is no need to fertilize. If fertilization is applied, fertilizer damage tends to occur and roots burning.

However, if the indoor temperature is high, the Guanyin lotus grows vigorously and can also be fertilized. Fertilizing Guanyin lotus, if it is to promote growth, can use nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient solution, because this fertilizer not only contains nitrogen, but also makes Guanyin lotus grow more vigorously. And there are phosphorus and potassium elements, which can make the color of Guanyin lotus more vivid.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

Use nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient solution fertilizer for Guanyin lotus, use it thinnerly every 20~30 days or so, do not use it too thickly, to prevent the fertilizer effect of the last use has not been used, and then fertilize, easy to appear soil compaction, resulting in Guanyin lotus and line length is not good, or burning roots.

If you make Guanyin lotus grow very fat, you don't need to use nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrient solution fertilizer, just use potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, that is, spray once in 7~10 days, 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be. Because potassium dihydrogen phosphate can not only make the root of Guanyin lotus stronger, but also make the leaves of Guanyin lotus more colorful and beautiful like a lotus flower.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

Don't get less sunlight

If you want to make Guanyin lotus grow in a good state in winter, sunshine is also indispensable. If there is too little sunlight, Guanyin lotus is easy to have green leaves, and it is easy to spread large cakes.

Therefore, when raising Guanyin lotus in winter, you need to keep it in a place with more sunlight, such as the south window sill and south balcony at home. As long as there is direct light for four hours a day, the Guanyin lotus can be brightly colored, the leaves compact, and become beautiful.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

If there is little sunlight at home, you can also use a fill light, giving Guanyin lotus four hours a day, which can also make Guanyin lotus more colorful, red, like a pink lotus flower.

Winter is also prone to cloudy days, in which case you can also use fill lights to fill the light, which can also make Guanyin lotus beautiful.

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming "lotus", which is really beautiful

Final summary

The disliked Guanyin lotus, after growing in winter, looks like a blooming lotus, so beautiful! As long as you do the above 4 points well in winter, you can make Guanyin lotus beautiful! In addition, it is necessary to do a good job of ventilation, because the ventilation is not good, it is easy to appear insects.