
6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

author:Xiaofei loves life

Many flowers that are common in our lives like to grow in an acidic soil environment. Otherwise, yellow leaves, wilting and other phenomena will occur at every turn. Therefore, during the maintenance process, it is necessary to regularly water them with some "acidic water" to prevent problems such as yellow leaves, fallen leaves, soil alkalinization, and plant wilt.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

There are many acidic waters, such as rainwater, beer water, rice water after fermentation, ferrous sulfate water, etc. are acidic. However, these waters, sometimes not available at home, need to be rotted before they can be used. Then we can use it - unsalted table vinegar or rice vinegar. Rice vinegar belongs to pure grain brewing, relatively speaking, the texture is relatively mild, not easy to cause fertilizer damage. Below, 6 kinds of beautiful flowers, just like to "be jealous", regularly water a cup, the leaves are green and blooming.

1, Gardenia

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Gardenia is a very close and beautiful flower, green branches and green leaves, white and flawless, fragrant and fragrant, loved by many flower friends. However, some potted gardenias are easy to yellow leaves, lose leaves, and lose buds. In particular, when you just come back, a good pot of flowers, after raising for a period of time, you will find that the veins of the newly grown leaves are green, and the other parts are yellow, this situation is called "yellowing disease", in severe cases, the whole plant occurs yellow leaves black leaves rotten leaves, wilt phenomenon.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Because it is acid-loving flowers, the root system is capillary roots and relatively few, the most afraid of potting soil compaction, alkalinization, generally the leaves yellow after the root system almost does not grow, the longer the leaf, the smaller, but also easy to fall.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Therefore, during the maintenance process, when watering, pay attention to the tap water to be watered after drying, and, the growing period half a month watering vinegar water, watering a few drops to the water can be, can prevent soil alkalinization, can also play a role in adjusting soil pH, so that its root system can grow robustly, the leaves are green and not yellow, so that the flowers can bloom white and beautiful.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

However, if it is "yellowing disease" is more serious, it may be that pouring rice vinegar water has no effect, and it is necessary to dilute 1000 times with ferrous sulfate for irrigation, which can also effectively improve the iron deficiency yellow leaves caused by yellowing disease.

2. Jasmine

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Jasmine, like gardenias, is also a typical acid-loving flower, with a large amount of flowering, a relatively long flowering period, and it is necessary to often keep the potting soil acidic, otherwise, it will also be easy to appear yellow leaves, do not grow new shoots or stiff buds, do not grow, do not love to bloom or do not bloom, and even the leaves are yellow. In the growth process, watering vinegar water 1-2 times a month or watering once a month to dilute the aqueous solution of chelated iron and ferrous sulfate can be used, which can promote its vigorous growth, branches and leaves are green, and the flowers are more and fragrant.

3. Rhododendron flowers

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Rhododendron is also called "Yingshan Red", there are many varieties, every winter and spring, in the flower market all kinds of azaleas begin to become popular, after all, it is "flower in the west", is also one of the ten traditional famous flowers in China, in the Spring Festival, people will be the year's evening flowers placed at home.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Rhododendron is a typical acid-loving flower, also likes to "be jealous", its root system is developed, but it is also some capillary roots, like to grow in loose and breathable acidic soil, and will also be prone to iron deficiency yellow leaves. Especially in the north, potting soil is easy to alkalinize, and a large number of yellow leaves and other phenomena appear.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Can be regularly watered 1-2 times a month rice vinegar water, can also be diluted with ferrous sulfate 1000 times for watering or chelated iron, watered once a month, so that the soil is acidic, iron is not lacking, can promote the rhododendron's root system vigorous growth, leaves are green, vigorous growth, newly grown leaves are green, lush branches, but also love flowering.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

When planting rhododendrons, you should also pay attention to the soil, you can add pine needle soil, humus soil or ceramic grains and other substrates to increase soil acidity.

4. Junzilan

Junzi orchid, the leaves are thick and turquoise, the flowers are dignified and elegant, delicate and colorful, it is also a "jealous" flower. Junzi orchid has a well-developed fleshy root system, likes warm and moist, fertile, loose and breathable acidic soil, if the soil alkalinizes, it is easy to appear yellow leaves, empty roots, dead roots, plants do not grow and other phenomena, more difficult to flower.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Therefore, when we generally plant Junzi orchid, on the one hand, we choose rotten pine needles, saprophyll soil, bark and other substrates to plant Junzi orchid, these planting materials will become acidic organic matter after decay, providing a fertile and loose and breathable growth environment for Junzi orchid, not easy to accumulate water and rotten roots, and can promote the robust growth of the root system. When watering, if tap water is commonly used, the soil is easily alkalized for a long time, in order to prevent such situations, when watering, you can add a few drops of rice vinegar to the water.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

After drinking vinegar water, the root system and leaves grow faster, and the leaves will be more oily green, which is conducive to flowering. In addition, it can also be watered with ferrous sulfate aqueous solution to improve the phenomenon of soil alkalinization, yellowing of leaves, and stiff budding of seedlings.

5. Crab claw orchid

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Crab claw orchid is also one of the annual flowers in winter and spring, with hanging stems, many branches, large flowers, delicate flowers, rich colors, auspicious atmosphere at home, and can also purify the air. However, crab claw orchids prefer a slightly acidic growth environment, and if there is a lack of acid, there will be stiff buds, leaves not growing, or even no flowering.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

In addition to matching it with planting material rich in organic matter, loose and breathable potting soil, usually when watering, you can add a few drops of vinegar to the water, growing rapidly at about 15-25 degrees, you can water vinegar water 1-2 times a month, in addition to watering into the potting soil, you can also spray on the stem nodes to promote branch growth, and the leaves are green and bright.

6. Camellia

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

Camellia is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, flowering layered, clean and elegant, very beautiful, and, there are many varieties, elegant plant type, thick and bright leaves, large amount of flowering, rich color, is winter and spring, many flower friends like to raise a flower.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

However, camellia is also an acid-loving flower, many flower friends raise, raise will appear yellow leaves, do not grow or the longer the leaves become smaller and smaller, in fact, it is generally caused by its soil alkalinization. However, the leaves of camellia are relatively thick and dark green, and even if iron deficiency yellow leaves occur, it is not easy to see on the veins, and when it is seen, it is often very serious. Therefore, it is also necessary to regularly water it with vinegar water or other acidic water to improve the soil pH.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

After watering the camellia with vinegar, the leaves will grow more oily green and brighter in color. When mixing soil in the pot, it should also be equipped with loose and breathable acidic soil, and it is best to add rotten organic matter such as pine needle soil to the soil.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

In the period of vigorous growth of camellia, it can also be watered with 1000 times ferrous sulfate aqueous solution to prevent iron deficiency yellow leaves, improve soil acid-base balance, enhance the resistance of camellia, and make it grow green flowers.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

In addition to the above 6 kinds of flowers, there are also such as: Milan, triangle plum, hydrangeas, etc., also like to "jealous", regular watering of acidic water, can prevent yellow leaves, soil alkalinization compaction, adjust soil pH, can promote flower plants in a suitable environment to grow and bloom better.

However, "jealousy" must also have a degree, too much is not good. In the growth stage, in the early stage of flowering, when it is time to apply other fertilizers, it is also necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently, not to save, and not always only watering vinegar water, and the concentration should not be too high.

When using ferrous sulfate, pay attention to the use of water immediately, otherwise, it is easy to oxidize in the air, will become black-brown, then can not be used, after watering the flower, it is not easy to be absorbed, but easy to damage the roots and cause fertilization.

6 kinds of beautiful flowers, love to "be jealous", water a cup regularly, the leaves are green and blooming

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