
Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

author:A quick answer

Real events

Sarah, a 19-year-old girl, saw a job advertisement in the newspaper for nurses for young children, in Amsterdam. Sara made a phone call and the interview was successful.

This real incident took place in 1997. The English girl Sala, who was then taken to Amsterdam by the recruiter, was torn off her passport by the man who recruited her as soon as she got off the plane, and it was too late when Sarah realized that she had been scammed.

Sarah is taken by this man named John Reese to a room with only one barred window, and inside there is a fierce dog, first beating Sara who calls for help and resisting, and then holding a gun to her head to make her serve a man, Sara loses her first time in fear and pain...

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

Later, the salad was sold to an old eagle, forced to serve under surveillance every day, just when the young salad was tortured to receive guests for a long time, up to 18 a night at a time, her spirit was destroyed, and the whole person was in a trance.

It doesn't affect the service, the old bird sent someone to bring injections and injected the salad with cocaine...

With drug addiction, girls obey orders in order to get drugs, lose their bodies and lose their will.

Later, Shara, under her conscious consciousness, met a good guest and helped her bring a note to her home, and the family came to rescue Shara, followed by a reporter.

Sarah was rescued.

After returning home, the salad will take more than ten years to detoxify, and it will take a lifetime to forget this unbearable memory...

Sara is just one of the Amsterdam window girls, of course, just a portrayal of a girl who is forced to operate, but how many can be willing?

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

The origin has something to do with the opening of the Netherlands

The Netherlands is known for its openness and is known as the most liberal country in the world, the first to legalize homosexuality and euthanasia, and the world's largest and most famous legal red light district.

Amsterdam is the largest city in the Netherlands surrounded by canals and has a population of about 800,000. It is very bustling, with 12 million people from all over the world every year, and the red light district industry is a golden sign of Amsterdam and the Netherlands.

Speaking of this industry, it has a certain origin, and the reason why it can be continued and even legalized has also experienced several twists and turns, after all, this industry was not properly accepted by the public at the beginning.

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

The "cosmopolitan capital" of Amsterdam's past and present

The rise of the Netherlands began in the 17th century, when Portugal and Spain were in decline, and the Netherlands became the hegemon of the new generation through the seafaring trade.

The trade west of the Strait of Magellan and east of the Cape of Good Hope was almost entirely covered by the Dutch, from which the "sea coachman" got its name, and the 17th century is also known as the Dutch century.

Amsterdam is the largest trading port in the Netherlands and a large number of ships come and go here every day.

Due to the long period of sailing at sea, passing merchants and seafarers and sailors felt that life was boring. After earning a large amount of wealth, it is inevitable to satisfy your appetite in the port, but the most difficult thing to dispatch is the physiological needs.

Where there is demand, there is opportunity. The businessmen who were the first to smell business opportunities opened entertainment venues in the port, and the Fengyue places slowly prospered, and the government also opened one eye and closed one eye.

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

Later, the Protestants revolted and did not allow the industry to exist, and Amsterdam's Red Light District was banned.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon occupied Amsterdam, and in order to meet the needs of his soldiers, he lifted the ban on custom trades, and the Red Light District began to flourish again.

In 1911, due to popular pressure and social unrest, the Netherlands introduced another ban.

At this time, the Netherlands has formed an industrial chain, and the custom industry has driven many related industries, and once banned, it will cause many people to be dissatisfied.

In 1999, whether the industry continued to be on the agenda, and finally the Dutch government passed the bill to legalize the custom industry and officially enact the law.

Since 1 October 2000, the industry has been legally protected as long as it does not violate the relevant laws and taxes are paid on time.

At this point, Amsterdam's custom industry flourished, and the window girl was born.

The window girls here come from all over the world, have been examined at specific institutions in Amsterdam, and are issued with certificates to ensure good health.

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

The influence of the custom industry on the Netherlands

Girls operating in Amsterdam's Red Light District do not pay for what they get.

One is to rent your own window and run your own business.

One is that someone else rents a shop window, and the girl just runs the business

The first is mostly voluntary, and the second is forced.

According to statistics, about 4,000 people in the Netherlands are trafficked and forced to engage in sex work every year.

There are around 3,000 windows in Amsterdam's De Wallen, and window rentals are not cheap, 150 euros a day.

This industry has created a large number of wealthy capitalists, who buy a lot of land in Amsterdam, build shop windows, and earn wealth by rent.

Billionaire Charlie Geez owns 100 windows in the Red Light District and earns a net 3 million euros a year just by collecting rent.

The girls are exploited layer by layer, they have to pay taxes, and they only get a small income, and some girls find a right shift, one morning shift and one late shift, which can reduce the burden.

There are also girls who go out to find part-time jobs during the day and come back at night to serve in the window.

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

There are many reasons why the Dutch government has shut down and restarted the custom industry, not without economic interests.

The government withheld 19 percent of the girls' income, and in order to escape the high taxes, many of the transactions went underground, and pornography, gambling and drugs followed.

Another important point is that it brings health risks. AIDS can also breed diseases such as epidemics, especially sexually transmitted diseases.

The custom industry contributes 25% of the Dutch economy to GDP (The New York Times), and also drives tourism, restaurants, services, etc., which is an important reason why the government is difficult to give up.

In short, the custom industry brings benefits to the Netherlands as well as a dark side.

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

Get to know the country of the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a small Western European country, full name: Kingdom of the Netherlands, constitutional monarchy. With an area of about 41,500 square kilometers, less than half of Chongqing, with a population of about 17 million, the capital: Amsterdam.

"Coachman of the sea", "Land of flowers and windmills", "Flying Dutchman", "Venice of the North" are all Dutch labels.

Bordered by Germany and Belgium and across the sea from Britain, the Netherlands was ruled by Spain for more than 100 years, and after independence, the Netherlands became the hegemon of the seas, with more ships than any other country combined.

More than half of the Netherlands is below or below sea level. Influenced by the Atlantic sea wind, the windmills of the Netherlands are a unique sight.

The currency of the Netherlands is the Euro. With a GDP of more than $900 billion (France's GDP of more than 500,000 square kilometers is about $270 million), the Netherlands is a veritable developed country.

There are more than 100,000 Chinese in the Netherlands, and it has become the fourth largest minority in the Netherlands.

The Dutch flower industry is a pillar of the world's flower industry, exporting half of the world's total, especially tulips.

The Netherlands is the kingdom of bicycles, with an average of 1.5 bicycles per person, and the Dutch commute, travel, and even bring children are bicycles, they are for environmental protection and exercise, not to afford a car.

There is no clear legal age for marriage in the Netherlands, as long as both parents agree to marry at the age of twelve or thirteen, and Dutch sex education begins at the age of six.

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?


If you are visiting the Netherlands, it is necessary to remind you:

When you're staying in a hotel in the Netherlands, there's a conspicuous special red button on the TV remote, don't be driven by curiosity and press it.

After pressing, you will be consumed by the TV picture, and when you settle the bill, you will find that it turns out that this is paid.

Amsterdam's custom industry – what does it bring to the Netherlands?

Write at the end

The Dutch custom industry is bold, different, and has always been criticized, and with it comes a large wave of social problems, which are the ones that need to be paid attention to and solved the most.

If freedom is at the cost of a series of sufferings suffered by women, then it will be a desecration of freedom, a pathos for society!

I hope that the society is a civilized society, and the earth is the earth of civilization!

What is your point of view? Welcome to leave a message, thank you for reading.

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