
Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

As we all know, each plant has a special meaning, and plants with good meanings are highly sought after, such as fortune trees, longevity flowers and so on. On the contrary, those plants with bad meanings often make people scoff and not look at it squarely, I just want to say that these plants are really wronged, because many claims have no scientific basis, such as these flowers known as "unlucky", I don't know if you have heard of it?

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

1. Plum blossoms - no money to spend.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Plum blossoms have always been the traditional famous flowers of the mainland, but there are also many people who are prejudiced against plum blossoms, thinking that planting plum blossoms at home is no money to spend, planting plum blossoms at home will affect financial luck, and the ancients should never have imagined that the flower of a gentleman in their eyes was disliked to this point by future generations. Plum blossoms are the traditional famous flowers of the mainland, the favorite of the literati and elegant people, and the object of their praise, and planting plum blossoms at home is a very tasteful performance. In the future, everyone must not be affected by these rumors, the winter weather is cold, cultivate a plum blossom at home, not only can beautify the environment, but also make the home vibrant.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

2. 7 ghosts in a green rose

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Green rose is a very common green plant, the thick green leaves are vibrant, the maintenance difficulty is low, and it is very friendly to novice flower friends. However, some flower friends often say that the green lotus is heavy in yin and is not suitable for home maintenance, which scares off many people. This is mainly because the green roe likes a cool environment, the demand for light is not very high, can be kept in a cool place, the humidity of the environment needs to be improved during maintenance, there are many people can even grow the green roe into a green roe wall, just like in the green forest, the unique growth habit of the green roe, let some people make a big fuss that it is heavy yin, will block the yang, a green roe "7 ghosts" I don't know if you have heard of it.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Think about it, this is a very superstitious statement, everyone in the maintenance of green rose, only need to pay attention to clean up the next to the plant hygiene, do a good job of traction and pruning, put it in a very suitable position, can hang down, can also climb a wall, can also hydroponics, are very good.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

3. Men raising lotus flowers is a manifestation of "mother"

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

I don't know when it began to be believed that men raising lotus flowers was called the performance of "pseudonym". Because many people think that the lotus posture is enchanting, and the feminine temperament is very matched, plus she is an aquatic plant, there is a feminine feeling, if the man raises, it means that the personality is very "mother", this statement makes many men very speechless, and also makes their way to raise flowers a lot of obstacles.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

In fact, raising flowers is a very casual thing, what you like to raise, whether it is a man or a woman, you can choose according to your preferences, according to my observation, the more men who like to raise flowers, the more careful, the aesthetics are also quite good.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

4. Chrysanthemums are "dead man's flowers"

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Many people are prejudiced against chrysanthemums, especially in autumn and winter, seeing chrysanthemums blooming, they are not allowed to take them to the house, especially the elderly react very much, and even have to pull them out. Chrysanthemum blooming period is in autumn, the flower fragrance is very unique has a bitter feeling, coupled with chrysanthemums have a very sad atmosphere, often appear at funerals, when sweeping tombs, often use chrysanthemums to mourn, so, many people think that chrysanthemums are unlucky flowers, are "dead flowers".

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

In fact, chrysanthemums are divided into many kinds, most of the chrysanthemums on the funeral are cut chrysanthemums, and ordinary chrysanthemums are not the same, chrysanthemums in the flower market are to ornamental, such as thousand head chrysanthemum, golden chrysanthemum, medallion chrysanthemum, ornamental is very strong, bright color, high value, very suitable for home cultivation.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

5. Fuso and "mourning"

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Fuso flower is destroyed on this name, many people hear the word Fuso, they can't help but think of "mourning", so everyone expressed very refusal, in fact, the word mourning appeared later. Fuso flowers appeared relatively early, according to the records of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there were once two mulberry trees growing in a treasure field, and soon they became entangled, so the locals called it the Fuso tree.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Fuso flowers have no connection with mourning, just the same pronunciation, but many people find it very obscure. Later, people gave it a new name, called Zhu Jin, which was accepted by everyone. However, many elderly people still do not allow this flower to be planted at home, feeling that it is too obscure, and it is really a flower ruined by the name. But now, many young people do not agree, or many people like to raise it.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

6. Rhododendron is stained red with blood

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Rhododendron flowers are brightly colored, many people say that his flowers are dyed with blood, very unlucky, not suitable for home cultivation, why do you say this? This starts with Mr. Deng Yuhua's song Yingshan Hong, who used a metaphor when writing lyrics, saying that the flowers of Yingshan Red were dyed red by the blood of martyrs.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

But over time, it is incomprehensible that some people say that azaleas are dyed with blood, which is very unlucky and cannot be cultivated at home.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

7. Hydrangeas are "unlucky"

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Hydrangeas must be familiar to everyone, round flower balls, bright colors, looks very beautiful. But because hydrangeas like to grow in the shade, the number of leaves is relatively large, dense flower leaves, airtight, so many people say that hydrangeas are heavy in yin, plus its flower color has a very enchanting atmosphere,

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Everyone calls it the flower of bad luck. Just want to say that these black powder is really talented, hydrangeas appeared on the mainland very early, and began to be planted at home during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and there is a happy meaning of reunion, and it has been introduced by other countries, and now hydrangeas are the best material for landscaping, attracting many growers.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Hydrangeas are extremely resistant to shade, and they can also be maintained in a well-lit place, just pay attention to the timely shading measures in the hot summer, and will not cause any harm to the plant. And the color of hydrangea will change according to the changes of the soil, if you want to see different colors, you only need to adjust the pH of the soil.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

8. The other side flower is the "yellow spring" flower

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

When it comes to flowers on the other side, many people will think of Huangquan Road, saying that it is a flower that blooms on Huangquan Road, in fact, the two have nothing to do with each other, but the modern human brain makes up. A long time ago, the other side flower was just an ordinary wildflower, because of this special name, it will appear in many anime stories,

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...
Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

It is even said that he is the flower of hell, who has been blooming on the Yellow Spring Road, and at the same time has to guide those unjust souls. These stories are only adapted by modern people, and have nothing to do with the other side flower, which also has a name called safflower garlic, but most people are still very taboo about keeping it at home.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

It often appears in the southwest region of the mainland, and your favorite partners can grow it at home, but there is a point to remind everyone that its juice is toxin, so don't eat it by mistake.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

9. Raising cacti meets villains

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

It has been said that you should never cultivate thorny plants at home, especially cacti and cactus balls, otherwise the relationship between family members will become tense, and even frequent quarrels and villains will occur, but many young people do not recognize this statement. The reason why everyone says that raising cacti will quarrel is mainly because there are more thorns on cacti, which is easy to bring danger to people, in fact, these statements are rumors.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

In fact, cultivating plants at home will not affect the relationship between family members at all, and for those who want to quarrel, even if there is no cactus at home, it will not affect the quarrel. When cultivating cacti, try to place it on the balcony, not only to make the cactus grow well, but also to make the cactus grow better.

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

10. Poppy is a flower that grows on the grave

Legend has it that 10 kinds of flowers, "unlucky" since ancient times, there are disasters in raising the family? The truth is...

Poppy, the flower is very beautiful and easy to raise, but this flower is not popular, mainly because many people think he is unlucky, because legend has it that it is Yu Ji after he killed himself, blood dripped on the grave, the flower that grows, is very unlucky, therefore, it is very unpopular, in fact, it blooms very beautifully, often seen in the green belt, but it is a plant of the poppy family, the flowers are very similar to the poppy, but also poisonous, do not be mistaken.

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