
A boy insisted on working 6 jobs during college, just to earn money to help his classmates chase his girlfriend. And when he and his classmates worked in a group, his classmates fired him as soon as possible. Qin Hao on TV

author:Di Tianyu

A boy insisted on working 6 jobs during college, just to earn money to help his classmates chase his girlfriend. And when he and his classmates worked in a group, his classmates fired him as soon as possible.

Qin Hao played Sun Heping in the TV series "The Great Game". Sun Heping is a particularly righteous person, he often worked 6 jobs at the same time in college, he did this not for himself, but for his classmate Yang Liu (Tan Kai), because Yang Liu has no money.

Once Sun Heping got his salary back from his boss, he immediately found Yang Liu and said, "The money is for you, you should hurry up and chase Qin Xinting." Yang Willow took the money and immediately said, "Thank you, brother, there are results, I will invite you to dinner immediately." ”

In order to help Yang Liu, Sun Ping usually did not dare to eat or drink. Once he was really hungry, he found his good friend Qian Ping (Wan Qian) and said: "Qian Ping, do you have anything to eat, bring me some." Qian Ping saw that he was hungry, and immediately ran to the cafeteria to get a meal for him.

Sun Heping didn't care about three seven twenty-one, picked up the chopsticks and ate, and in less than 2 minutes, he finished eating two boxes of rice and a plate of dishes. Qian Ping saw that he had finished eating, and then took the initiative to step forward and ask: "What is your situation, why are you so hungry?" Sun Heping then explained that he gave all the money he earned to Yang Liu. Qian Ping sighed and said, "You are really stupid. Sun Heping just giggled there and didn't speak.

After that, Sun Heping barely survived with the help of Qian Ping.

After graduating, Sun Heping and Yang Liu obtained a high-paying position through their own efforts. Sun Heping became the sales manager of the Southeast Asia branch of Northern Machinery Company (referred to as Beiji Factory), while Yang Liu became the chairman of Hanheavy Group.

At that time, the Beiji Plant was about to go bankrupt due to poor management, and Sun Heping was temporarily appointed as the new director of the plant, and he begged his grandfather everywhere to tell his grandmother, and finally his old classmate Yang Liu was willing to help.

Later, with the efforts of the two, Beiji Factory joined Hanheavy Group and began to turn losses into profits. At that time, Sun Heping was bent on making the North Machinery Plant bigger and stronger. But for Yang Liu, who was bent on annexing the Beiji Factory, Sun Heping's move was to cross the river and tear down bridges, which was ungrateful, and he was very annoyed in his heart.

Later, he simply sent people to follow Sun Heping and found some evidence that Sun Heping could be removed. At a high-level meeting of the Hanchong Group, Yang Liu said directly: "I propose to remove Sun Heping. Sun Heping was also angry, and immediately stood up, and he complained: "Yang Liu, you are too domineering." ”

Sun Heping was very righteous back then, and for the sake of his good brother Yang Liu, he directly worked 6 jobs, just to help his brother chase his girlfriend. He had a tight life, but he didn't expect that the two would later have a fight because of different business ideas.

It can only be said that things are different from people, and the good brothers of the past are now almost in trouble for their own interests. In fact, there are many such examples in reality, good buddies start a business together, and when the company is a little bigger, the two will have various conflicts because of interest issues, and finally make trouble until they die of old age.

And if you want to maintain your friendship, don't do business with good friends, otherwise once it involves the distribution of interests or business philosophy, it is easy to make conflicts. #电视剧大博弈征文 #

A boy insisted on working 6 jobs during college, just to earn money to help his classmates chase his girlfriend. And when he and his classmates worked in a group, his classmates fired him as soon as possible. Qin Hao on TV
A boy insisted on working 6 jobs during college, just to earn money to help his classmates chase his girlfriend. And when he and his classmates worked in a group, his classmates fired him as soon as possible. Qin Hao on TV
A boy insisted on working 6 jobs during college, just to earn money to help his classmates chase his girlfriend. And when he and his classmates worked in a group, his classmates fired him as soon as possible. Qin Hao on TV
A boy insisted on working 6 jobs during college, just to earn money to help his classmates chase his girlfriend. And when he and his classmates worked in a group, his classmates fired him as soon as possible. Qin Hao on TV

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