
What are the dietary treatments for sinusitis? Sinusitis is characterized by yellow and thick and turbid nose, foul smell, and head and forehead pain, which often persists and sometimes is mild and heavy. Chinese medicine is called nasal yuan, mostly with gallbladder meridian heat,

author:Dr. Yan Lina, a Chinese medicine practitioner

What are the dietary treatments for sinusitis?

Sinusitis is characterized by yellow and thick and turbid nose, foul smell, and head and forehead pain, which often persists and sometimes is mild and heavy. Traditional Chinese medicine is called nasal abyss, mostly with gallbladder depression, lung loss, and sinuses as the main causes, and the following dietary remedies can be used. Silver blossom thin yellow drink: silver flower, mint, skullcap, rock sugar. The first three flavors of water are fried to remove the residue and take the juice, and put in rock sugar to melt.

Xinyi flower tea: Xinyi flower, Su leaf. In spring, the unopened Xinyi flower buds are cut and dried until semi-dry, piled up, and then dried until fully dry after the internal heat is hot; Su leaves are chopped, mixed well, brewed with boiling water, and drunk frequently in place of tea.

Houttuynia with lettuce: fresh houttuynia, lettuce, salt, ginger, green onion, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, garlic. Remove the old roots of impurities, rinse well, blanch slightly in boiling water, take out, add salt and marinate for use. Fresh lettuce is peeled off the leaves, rinsed, cut into 3~4cm knots and then cut into two thick strips, pickled with salt and drained.

Wash the ginger, white green onion and garlic, cut into minced ginger, garlic rice, chopped green onion, and set aside. Put the shredded lettuce on a plate, add houttuynia, add soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, vinegar, minced ginger, chopped green onion and garlic rice. It is suitable for those with yellow and thick smell, large amount and headache.

Xinyi boiled eggs: Xinyi, 2 eggs. Put the flowers in a casserole, add 2 bowls of water, and cook until 1 bowl. The eggs are boiled and shelled, with more than ten piercing holes. Cover the casserole on the heat, pour in the medicinal juice and boil, add the egg and cook for a while, drink the soup and eat the egg. This side has the ability to stop the nose, nourish and support the righteousness, and is suitable for chronic sinusitis, purulent discharge, weak and cold.

Cang'er porridge: fry the porridge with a simmer, add 200ml of water, fry until 100ml, remove the residue and retain the juice. 50g of glutinous rice, add about 400ml of water, and cook it as gruel. Take warm, 2 times daily.

Cypress leaf pig's nose soup: pork nose meat, scrape and clean, raw cypress leaves, dendrobium, chai hu, put in a casserole, add 4 bowls of water and cook with pig nose until the remaining 1 bowl of soup, filter out the drug residue, rinse honey and rice wine, and drink evenly. 2~4 doses are 1 course of treatment, and 3~4 courses of treatment. This formula has the effect of clearing heat and tonifying the lungs.

Sheep powder: 1 pair of sheep testicles. Wash, put on the tile to dry yellow, grind finely, send warm boiled water, each pair is divided into 2 times, and served within 1d. It is suitable for chronic sinusitis with cold and not thick nasal discharge, and is generally effective in 2~3d.

What are the dietary treatments for sinusitis? Sinusitis is characterized by yellow and thick and turbid nose, foul smell, and head and forehead pain, which often persists and sometimes is mild and heavy. Chinese medicine is called nasal yuan, mostly with gallbladder meridian heat,
What are the dietary treatments for sinusitis? Sinusitis is characterized by yellow and thick and turbid nose, foul smell, and head and forehead pain, which often persists and sometimes is mild and heavy. Chinese medicine is called nasal yuan, mostly with gallbladder meridian heat,
What are the dietary treatments for sinusitis? Sinusitis is characterized by yellow and thick and turbid nose, foul smell, and head and forehead pain, which often persists and sometimes is mild and heavy. Chinese medicine is called nasal yuan, mostly with gallbladder meridian heat,

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